Trump’s “deafening” victory is the “signal” of the end for the Marxist New World Order!…
…Because of it, the first great “fracture” will emerge, leading to its collapse!
Changes on the global “chessboard” and the inevitable END OF AN ERA!
The darkest moment of the night is just before the dawn! This terrifying darkness was experienced on the night of November 6th …The darkest night in human history …A night concerning the entire Planet for the first time, not just some “corner” of it as in the past. Why was it the darkest? Because the Marxists of Zionism had to decide whether to accept the result of the American elections or not …Whether they would peacefully hand over state power to Trump or choose to use state forces to plunge the American people into an unprecedented civil conflict. Evidently, they judged that the risk was too great in a world where everything is now “fluid” …In a world where nothing stays hidden …A world that now “sees” them and is unwilling to “forgive” anything!
What does this result mean? …Tectonic shifts at all levels …Changes in the global geopolitical map and within the socio-political establishment of the United States itself. The Marxist system of the global New World Order has suffered its first major defeat, and this could be the starting point for significant developments. In the first phase, we will examine the tremendous consequences of this election result on the global geopolitical level, which affects all of us directly, and later we’ll discuss its impressive impacts within the U.S. —transformative changes, especially considering that the new occupant of the White House will have access to not only institutional “instruments” but also to the blackmail lists of the American “elite” …Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s lists.
The FBI will be forced to hand over the lists it “constructed” along with Mossad to blackmail public figures in the U.S. …Illegal lists from a colossal “industry” of extortion …Lists including everyone from U.S. Presidents and British “blue bloods” to frontline artists and intellectuals …Lists of depraved leaders across the “free” world alliance …Lists of depraved tycoons dominating the global market …Illegal lists that threaten both the creators and those targeted. Consequently, both the blackmailers and the blackmailed will fall into the hands of the new “sovereign” of the U.S., and —if these lists are not made public— this will multiply his power beyond any democratic logic. Many voices that currently “chatter” against Trump will fall silent out of fear of exposure. Many will be forced to leave the U.S. due to the threat of arrest.
It is certain that all this will occupy us in the coming period, as we will witness “deafening” developments within the New World Order’s elite. But before examining the qualitative change in power that will come into the hands of the new occupant of the White House, we must look at the immediate developments associated with the change in the world’s highest position of power. Thus, we will begin analyzing the consequences of this election result on the international chessboard. We must understand where immediate changes in global politics will occur …Politics whose “ripples” will impact nations and peoples.
To understand this, we must first comprehend how our world functions today …The world we live in but most of us don’t understand. This world is now changing due to the rapid political developments in the U.S. The defeat of the Zionists in the U.S. marks the “loss” of their most powerful “pillar” in the “under construction” global New Order …It means losing control over the world’s most powerful political, economic, and military “tool”. The Marxist New Order, envisioned by Kissinger and promoted by his “protégés” from the summits of Switzerland, is on the verge of total and general “collapse”. The entire policy sustaining the New Order is now being questioned!
The whole design of the New Order is beginning to “disintegrate”, and the global MARXIST “directorate” is facing a problem! …A problem, though not immediately apparent, is immense. The defeat of the Democrats and Kamala was not a party or personal defeat of a specific circle of individuals merely seeking power management. This defeat is a defeat for Zionism and its MARXIST “platform” on which it rests! This defeat “pierces” through the dominant social Class that has imposed itself globally and currently rules the world …A Class composed of privileged individuals with a shared mindset and education, who now dominate all nations regardless of religion, race, or ideology …Individuals identical in every way, whether they are white WOKE Americans posing as staunch atheist capitalists, Russians as devout Christians, Chinese as communists, or Arabs as fervent Islamists.
This “platform” is now threatened …The “platform” of their own “Janissaries” …The “product” of their Colleges, which under opaque and conspiratorial circumstances has been “screwed” into positions of power across all nations …This Class of “College kids” of Marcuse, who now govern the world, is under threat! Why? …Because their protectors in the U.S. have lost power to Trump! …Because the usurious owners of the Democratic Party have lost power! …Because their “beast of burden” has reacted and threatens to “unseat” them! …Christianity itself has reacted against its corrupter! …The Christian mindset has reacted against the new “morals” imposed by the New Order! …The self-preservation instincts of Christians have reacted to the WOKE policies of the depraved, who dared to enter even the schools of their children.
This reaction was expressed through the massive support for Trump, giving him victory. This victory exposed the inherent weaknesses of the New Order—weaknesses that, once revealed, are difficult to overlook and even harder to bypass. Why? …Because the New World Order is a “paper giant” …a frightening “scarecrow” that can only survive in the minds of extortionists and usurers. The New World Order imitates imperial function but is NOT an empire! …It is NOT an authentic empire! Authentic empires are identified with real religions or ideologies. The Greco-Roman Empire was founded on a solid Greek worldview. The Christian Empire was rooted in the Christian religion.
Today’s New World Order tries to mimic the empires of the past, but without the tools they had. The knowledge that forms its “backbone” is a “potpourri” of whatever is available, resembling a “pile” of stolen goods. The same people who claim there is no God and that religion is the “opiate” of the masses go on to slaughter the children of Gaza because God “promised” them the “Promised Land”! The same people who try to convince their fellow humans of the “joy” of “owning nothing” compete for top positions on the Forbes list. The same hypocrites, who campaign for the “rights” of embryos, do not hesitate to eliminate hundreds of thousands to expand their interests. For this reason, it remains a “carnival” of colorful opinions from various cunning, foolish, and deviant individuals.
It has an ideological framework resembling a religion, but it is NOT a religion itself. Atheism, or even Pan-religion, is NOT a religion! The WOKE ideology, on which the New World Order bases itself and seeks to impose globally over existing religions, appears unified but is NOT! It has a Marxist “core”, but this is ΝΟΤ an ideology in itself …It’s nothing more than an opportunistic management of other ideologies! Therefore, there is a strict —even dogmatic— stance in some regions, and leniency elsewhere. The spokespersons for this ideology operate absolutely depending on where they are. Overall, they function like lawyers, who have no specialization but can speak like doctors, engineers, athletes, or workers depending on the occasion, without authentically representing any profession other than law!
Everything is handled according to their interests and nothing else. The result, if not tragic, would be ridiculous! …Atheists who want to “save” their “believers”, always starting with themselves! Genuine MARXISTS, who —depending on the place— in the U.S. act as capitalists, in Russia as nationalists, in Iran as Islamists, and in China as communists. This “heap” of unrelated and unconnected data is the New Order of Harari and Schwab, masquerading as an “empire”. It’s a “complex” “construction” based on the dynamic connection of large and genuinely solid “elements” like the U.S. and the E.U., in relation to Islam, Orthodox Russia, and communist China.
The main “adhesive” of these “plates” is Ukraine and Israel! These are states that, by their function, create interactions and interdependencies, permanently linking these massive structural “elements” of the New World Order. States that the New Order has “specialized” in a permanently threatening role to act as “intermediate” elements! States that act as permanent “joints” and simultaneously as insulating “bushings” for different parts of the system. If anything changes in the “connection” these elements provide, the “structure” simply “collapses”. If these elements stop being “red-hot”, the “plates” slide alongside each other, and the entire “construction” collapses! Without Zelensky, there is no “blackmail” of Western nations by Russia, allowing the U.S. “protector” to “shepherd” ALL Christians into NATO. Without Netanyahu, there is no “hostage” of Islam acting as a permanent, threatening anti-Christian “shadow”. Without this “modular” interfaith “construct”, the atheist communist regime in Beijing, which turns China into an ideological and religious “shadow” threatening both major monotheistic religions’ capitalism, cannot survive.
Through these permanent rivalries and threats, the usurious owners of the New World Order manage to control global power in a way that renders democratic processes—and even religions—irrelevant! …A level allowing them to maximize the power of their money by controlling the people leading these different “giants”, indifferent to the billions living “under” them. Through these states, Marxist usurers control the Marxist leaders of all these “plates”, thus running the MARXIST New World Order globally! …All identical, but wearing different “outfits”! …All “enemies” of each other, but all their “pockets”—stuffed with corruption money— controlled by the same Zionist bankers …All “enemies” of each other, but in the “courtyards” of these “enemies” they’ll seek refuge if overthrown.
These funds of the corrupt “elites”, who pretend to be passionate “representatives” of their nations while being tools of the same usurers, are the secret of global planning and capitalism …The design of the Zionist usurers of New York …The usurers who secretly finance all the so-called “gladiators” and “competitors” …The usurers who keep on the same “shelf” of the same “offices” the investment portfolios of Putin, Merkel, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, Zelensky, Biden, and Netanyahu. This means that the defeat of MARXIST Kamala by Trump is not only a defeat of the Democrats in the U.S. but also a defeat of the MARXIST usurers controlling this global power circuit. It is a defeat of MARXISTS (NAZIS) like Von der Leyen ruling the E.U. …A defeat for MARXIST “patriot” Putin …And a defeat for MARXIST communist Xi Jinping. ALL pieces of the New Order “puzzle”, based on the designed “downgrading” of the U.S. and Christianity, were defeated in the U.S. and now find themselves “in the air”!
Trump’s governance threatens all these people not because of what he WILL do but because of what he WON’T do! Trump’s administration essentially promises to return Christianity to its “factory” settings …To settings that disconnect major world powers from “dependencies” …Settings that make the “specialization” and function of Ukraine and Israel undesirable and harmful …Settings that can dismantle the functionality of these vital “elements” for the survival of the MARXIST New Order. If the strength of this design depends on Ukraine and Israel, then the New Order cannot afford to lose these “elements” from its “arsenal” …It cannot afford to wait out a four-year “Trump storm” to restore the “settings” that suit it. If it loses these “elements”, it cannot recreate them. Many years were needed for tools like the Ukraine of Jewish Zionist Zelensky or the Israel of Jewish Zionist Netanyahu to fall into its “hands”!
If Trump stops funding the corrupt political Ukraine, the front —and therefore the dynamic “bonding surface”— between the West and Russia will lose its characteristic and threaten to collapse the entire New Order! Zelensky will be forced to flee in the night if he loses the “backing” and, of course, the money and arms from the U.S. …He will flee in the night because he won’t be able to withstand certain defeat while the Ukrainian people mourn 700,000 dead because of him! Literally, because he initiated a slaughter-war just to serve the plans of the New Order and, of course, the investment programs of Fink, Soros, and other Zionist usurers …Marxist usurers and owners of the MARXIST New World Order!
In the event of Zelensky’s downfall, the entire “structure” of the collective “defense” of the Western platform would collapse! …The whole “theater” of MARXIST leaders in the West, who welcomed him into their countries, standing and applauding him as the “warrior” of Freedom and Democracy, would crumble. We’re not only talking about the rogue NATO Secretary General who uses him like a “pawn” on a blood-soaked “chessboard” …We’re talking about all the states that make up the alliance …We’re talking about the leadership of these states that hid behind “progressive” propaganda, betraying their peoples to serve their masters! If the regime of the fascist Zelensky collapses, the world will learn the backstage details of the greatest slaughter of the third millennium…
For instance, people will learn about the vile role of Boris Johnson —and thus of Britain— who blocked a peace attempt that, if it had proceeded on schedule, would have “saved” at least 300,000 human lives …They will learn about the treacherous role of German Chancellor Scholz, who condemned Germany to absolute economic “collapse” …The traitor who allowed the Zionists to destroy Nord Stream, knowing full well that it would bring about the utter destruction of the German economy and the impoverishment of his people …The traitor who, while knowing how vital Russia was to the flourishing of the German economy, went ahead with “punitive” measures against it that were mathematically certain to lead to the collapse of German production and the growth of Russia at its expense.