Can the U.S. withstand the opening of the “file” on JFK’s assassination?
How is this “file” connected to the cases of Epstein, Puff Daddy, and even the USS Liberty?
Why are the Jews—and Israel itself—at risk of destruction if the U.S. “closet” full of “skeletons” is opened?
Donaueschingen is a small German town in the Alps, whose existence is known to only a few Europeans. Yet, from this little town begins something truly immense—something that concerns nearly ALL Europeans! One of Europe’s most vital “arteries” originates here—an “artery” on which the lives of millions of people directly depend, and, indirectly, the well-being of the entire Europe! This is where the mighty Danube begins—one of the largest rivers in Europe. A river upon which the industrial development of the vast region it traverses has been built. And yet, this “giant”, which influences the life and functioning of an entire continent, has its origins in a “humble” and almost “unknown” source…
What does this geographical “tour” have to do with our topic? …A lot!
…A whole lot! The current global success of the Jews—who dominate the
United States and, through it, the entire world—was not the result of
random circumstances or exceptional abilities! The vast economic wealth
and equally immense political power concentrated in the hands of such an
insignificant ethnic group is NOT natural! This enormous power, which
today can influence the functioning of humanity as a whole, did not
appear as if by magic! …It started somewhere! So, if today we see the
Jewish “Danube” of wealth and power “drowning” nations and destroying
their economies, what we will attempt in this text is to go against its
“flow” and reach its own “source” …The root cause of this unprecedented
global phenomenon …To identify the “Donaueschingen” of Jewish success
and the “birthplace” of the “river” of countless billions they “carry”
with them.
Going “back” in time, it is easy to pinpoint the moment when all the “peculiar” phenomena concerning the Jews began to appear—specifically, the Jews of the United States, since they are the ones of interest to us, as they influence global politics. Looking into the past, we can easily identify the period when certain “anomalies” regarding them emerged. Up until the 1950s, Jews were not considered anything exceptional—they were just another ethnic minority among the many that made up the social “mosaic” of the United States. In fact, they were a minority that was not particularly successful economically.
Their entire life was easy and carefree. Within three years, a worker could become a homeowner! A family of simple laborers could own a car at a time when, in the rest of the world, automobiles were the ultimate luxury of the rich. The “American Dream” was real, and Americans were living it. This was a society where everything seemed to come easily and smoothly—one that had no reason to develop wild instincts. It was a society so innocent it bordered on naivety …A society that did not fear walking the streets late at night …A society that did not hesitate to let its children play freely outside …A society that was often “shocked” by whatever arrived at its doorstep from the Old World …A society of devout Christians who genuinely felt “grateful” for their “good fortune” and celebrated Thanksgiving as their most important national holiday—because they truly believed they were ”blessed”.
Americans had no reason to engage in criminal behavior because their economy generously provided them with everything they desired. The “springs” of poverty that existed in other countries —those that drive what is known as “petty crime”— were much weaker in the United States! However, as it would later become evident, things were not so simple. This well-meaning yet “healthy” society was walking unwittingly and completely unsuspectingly toward its own “death”! …It was “infected” and didn’t know it! …It could not comprehend that it already carried within it the “virus” that, at any moment, could “sicken” it! …A dangerous “virus” that was simply waiting for its opportunity to grow …A “virus” that was already operating in the background, but Americans simply did NOT “see” it—because, up until that moment, it had not yet shown “symptoms”, and therefore, they were unaware of the danger!
The “Virus” That Sickened the U.S.
The degenerate Jews, who had arrived in “waves” from Europe, had already begun establishing communities in the major cities of the United States, functioning like “abscesses” …”Abscesses” that gradually accumulated “pus”, which would eventually threaten the entire country with a widespread “infection”! New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles had already begun to develop the same pathology as Warsaw and Prague. Their streets were filling with newcomers in their “peculiar” clothing. Europe had “infected” the U.S. with the same “disease” that had plagued it for centuries! It had quite literally “unloaded” onto America a significant portion of its underworld! …The worst elements of Europe were arriving in waves, rubbing their hands together as they took advantage of the “lax” conditions that did not exist in the environments they had come from.
The United States had become the true “Promised Land” for vile and criminal Jews! All these “degenerate” and experienced figures from the ghettos and the underworld, as soon as they arrived in the U.S., put their collective “capital” to work …They engaged once again in their well-known “crafts” …Prostitution, usury, and extortion, which arose due to the “bad” habits of certain “respectable” citizens …Pimping and blackmail were their specialties! They quickly formed ties with the local underworld and, consequently, with the Mafia. They realized that the “reckless kids” with guns and whiskey barrels would soon need their services. They saw that there were demands in the “services” of illegality, which happened to be their area of “expertise”. They were the ones who would supply prostitutes to the parties of Prohibition-era criminals. They were the ones who would bring prostitutes to the “dens” where mischievous Americans gathered to drink. They were the ones who would lend them money when they were “broke”, because the dolce vita comes with high expenses. They would “assist” them in all their illegal desires and, afterward, would have no problem blackmailing them! …Business as usual!!!
All of this was easy for the Jews because, quite simply, they had repeated it countless times throughout their history. This is how they navigated through centuries of collective disgrace. They were always ready to serve criminals whenever those criminals wanted to spend their abundant illegal wealth—money that was usually seeking “returns” through prostitution and debauchery. No matter what condition the Jews were in, they always had the “capital” to make it happen. They were the ones who —being “self-made”— if they lacked the “merchandise”, had no problem starting the “party” with their own sisters and wives! …Pimping and blackmail are almost synonymous for the Jews! …Their national “capital”, since they could always exploit it through their own prostitution!
It was not, then, a strange phenomenon for a Jewish criminal to let you “enjoy” his wife and then blackmail you by exposing it to your own wife! …It’s not strange to be Donald Trump’s in-law and, before Trump appoints you as the U.S. Ambassador to Paris, to be in prison for blackmailing relatives and associates with prostitutes and pornographic videos! All of this —things that to the average Christian seem like imaginative plots from a movie— are simply part of the “successful” daily life of even the most “successful” Jews. Whatever appears extreme or immoral to EVERYONE else —of ALL religions— is simply part of everyday life for Jews! …One of the secret “foundations” of their family “success”! …The absolute definition of “unfair competition” in everything they do!
Jews can do anything because, quite simply, they have NO moral restraint in their pursuit of profit! …Any kind of profit. This lack of moral “burden” and “filters” makes them unbeatable in society. Can a woman compete for a promotion against her “rival”, who sleeps with her superiors? Can a businessman compete with a merchant who, along with selling a car, lets you grope his wife? All of this falls within what we call the “pursuit of ‘success’ without limits or hesitation”! This “relaxed” sense of morality makes them unstoppable. They utterly despise people —including their own loved ones— and, after doing whatever it takes to “succeed”, they return like beasts to “punish” them!
They “injure themselves” to achieve their goal, and then they believe they are justified in seeking revenge because they are “wounded”! Their complexes force them to do whatever it takes to “succeed” —even through unfair competition— and when they do “succeed”, they continue to hold the same complexes because they simply know exactly how they “succeeded”! Why do these points matter in a text that discusses the functioning of today’s Superpower? …Because their expertise in prostitution and blackmail was bound to threaten the overall social structure of the United States if they found a weak spot in the broader power structure—which is exactly what happened! …They could “infect” the entire society if they were able to blackmail its “leaders”, who influence its general operation. With prostitutes, you can get close to any influential figure you are interested in, no matter how high up they are. Even the President of the United States himself.
All these examples we mention reveal a behavioral pattern that confirms what we are describing. For centuries, they have been doing the same things. From the time of Xerxes, Babylon, and Herod Antipas to the time of Clinton, Obama, or Biden, they do the same thing! They know the weaknesses of human nature, and that’s where they “invest”. They “push” their own women onto powerful men so they can later “drag” them wherever it suits them! They will always find their own beautiful “Esther” to prostitute, pushing her into the arms of whatever king they need to control and enjoy his favor, because with their perpetually criminal behavior, they are always at risk of persecution and collective punishment! They will always ensure they have a seductive “Salome” to demand from the authorities whatever is forbidden! There is no nation or state that, at some point in its history, has not turned against them with the ultimate goal of expelling them from its territory!
Because Jews know all of this, their primary concern is to gain control over the leaders of the societies in which they operate. Those who have the power to punish or favor them. The male leaders of the societies they are interested in. They know that the main weakness of men is linked to their sexual instincts —because they themselves share the same weakness to such an extreme degree that one could call them “sick”— and that is where they strike. They know this well because they themselves, being truly “sick”, will do anything to satisfy their desires and are willing to risk everything. Only a Jew could be Strauss-Kahn, who risked and ultimately lost the “throne” of France just to assault a hotel maid, despite being the absolute favorite for the presidency. Only a Jew could be Weinstein, who also risked and lost a similar “throne” in Hollywood, just to grope women who, under different circumstances, would have had to beg for his attention.
The phenomenon of famous men who risk losing everything simply because they can’t control their desires is a problem that primarily characterizes Jews as a collective “disease”! Epstein, Maxwell, Kushner, Polanski, Woody Allen, and Davis are NOT exceptions, but the rule! Jews, judging others based on their own nature, quickly came to view this human weakness as a fertile “investment” field—from the very beginning of their history. If it existed, why wouldn’t they exploit it for their “progress”? For this reason, not only did they not mind being persecuted or “uprooted” as a nation, but on the contrary, it “revitalized” them—as the “father” of Zionism, Herzl, “explained” to us in detail! Nothing and no one could ever “eliminate” them, because as long as humanity continued to function in its known flawed way, they would NEVER “disappear”! Even if they started their lives with empty hands, they always had “capital”! …Their “capital” was the bodies of their own people, the eyes that could shed tears on demand, and the mouths that turned lying into second nature when they needed to blackmail or threaten their victims!
Always “endowed” with “capital” and with the “blessings” of their leadership, since it provided them with a moral “alibi” for whatever they attempted. They would open the Talmud and find a “justification” for anything they did! Every Jewish woman could become an “Esther” who would save her people—in the well-known way …Every Jewish woman could become a “Salome”, who, through her seduction, would secure the destruction of an enemy. Every Jewish woman can be “enlisted” in the service of her people. Every Jewish woman has a “sacred duty” to put her body in service of the nation. Everything is justified for profit. Did you “sacrifice” your wife to survive? …”Good” for you, because God wanted you to survive! Did you “sacrifice” your daughter to get a promotion? …God will “punish” those who benefited, because you did the “right” thing!
There is no atrocity that cannot be justified by their “sacred” “pornographic scripture”, the Talmud! Clinton was acquitted by Jewish lawyers because the Talmud states that a Jewish woman’s “oral act” in the stained dress is not a sexual act! …It is something like a “salute to arms”! That is why the blackmailed Clinton was not removed from office for perjury and false public statements when he claimed he “did not” have a sexual relationship with Lewinsky …The same Clinton who bombed Yugoslavia, without us ever knowing in whose interests he did it!
Based on all of this, one can understand that the Epstein or Davis network —with the “frontman” being the fool Puff Daddy— is not random! It is obvious that all of this is just the “tip” of an “iceberg”, and we all know what is hidden beneath it. It is an “industry” of blackmail, controlled by the Mossad and simply “managed” by the FBI …Their OWN FBI. This powerful yet corrupt FBI was the secret of Jewish “success”. By controlling the FBI, they acquired the vast wealth of the “Danube” that now floods everything, presenting them as the most “successful” people on the planet. In the “bathrooms” of the FBI lies the “Donaueschingen” of today’s Zionist “success”! From the “bathrooms” of the FBI begins the “torrent” of Zionist wealth that “drowns” everyone and spreads death to nations and states!
The until-then disreputable and filthy pimps and knife-wielding thugs from the ghettos of America’s major cities entered the “parlors” of organized crime. They could blackmail the entire underworld of the United States, since they controlled its law enforcement agencies. They were the ones who gave orders to the FBI on whom to target and whom to tolerate. Once they secured control over Hoover, it was easy for them to turn the FBI into whatever suited them …They made it in their own image!…
It was an easy task at a time when power in the United States was in the hands of the “lively” Kennedys …It didn’t take much effort for the Jews to get them under control. After all, the Kennedys were known for their decadent lifestyle in a conservative —almost puritanical— America, which had no tolerance for such behaviors. So, they “pushed” the Jewish Monroe into the role of “Esther”—and the cameras started rolling! …The White House had turned into a “Pornhub studio”! Hoover must have had the Kennedys starring in “productions” so extravagant that Pornhub would have paid a fortune to obtain them. With this “tool” in their hands, they needed to find the “arena” that would generate maximum profits. When you control the most powerful law enforcement agency in the United States, it’s only natural that you will use it where no one else would dare to operate.
As we said, the Jewish blackmailers and ruthless criminals are generally misanthropic. They hate themselves, and naturally, they hate others even more. As a result, they were the only criminals in the U.S. who, after profiting from alcohol, had no issue switching to drugs. Where ALL other criminals had enormous moral reservations, the Jews had none, because they see people as animals. Just as “slaughterers” have no problem leading herds of animals to the slaughterhouse, the Jews had no problem pushing the “inferior” goyim into drug addiction! …No moral concerns, no hesitation! Only fear of punishment limited them—but even that was minimized once they controlled the FBI. If until then, drugs were “taboo” for all Christian mafiosi in the U.S., that was never the case for the slimy and filthy Jews.
If, then, they could minimize their fear of punishment—by controlling and blackmailing Hoover—they would hesitate before nothing! So, there’s no need to “search” too hard to figure out where they would focus their attention. If they controlled Hoover, they were ready for the big “business”. They would have secured the free flow of drugs in the country, as well as the “laundering” of dirty money—issues that fell under the FBI’s jurisdiction. But, the problem was that you can’t do business without goods—and especially without customers. That’s where Kennedy—or rather, the Kennedys—come into the “equation”, and of course, the CIA. They were forced into the “equation” because drug trafficking involved a “product” that was illegal worldwide and couldn’t be produced in the U.S. The President of the United States and the “long arm” of the American state across the world were necessary to control the production and distribution of the product until it reached American city neighborhoods!
To launch their nationwide drug trade, they were missing some of his most essential “pieces” …They lacked the thousands of acres of Asian land needed to produce the banned product and, most importantly, they lacked thousands of “dealers” to distribute it within the United States …Many thousands, to be precise! However, at that time, American society did not have the characteristics that suited them. It was pure and, above all, innocent! Where would they find all these collaborators? Where would they find Americans willing to turn against their own society? Where would they find Americans to smuggle drugs from abroad into the U.S. and distribute them within the country? They knew the “script” for corrupting American society, but they lacked the “tools”. What was the script? …The British Opium War strategy against China. A script that the families of the “barons” of the Democratic Party—like those of the Roosevelts and the Kerrys—knew well since they had participated in its original “execution”.
The first part was relatively easy, because the U.S. was already engaged in global imperialism and therefore had the infrastructure to control the behavior of nations—the nations that could produce drugs. The U.S. had the CIA, whose leadership, through the blackmail network of the FBI, could be taken “hostage” and turned into their “storefront”! It could be staffed with their own people and transform its global network into an international drug network under their control! This transformation would happen in collaboration with their own Israel, which had already acquired its international role! That was easy, given that the very founder of Mossad, Reuven Shiloah, was blackmailing CIA Director Allen Dulles. The CIA had its own “permanent” Director who was being blackmailed by the Jews. The only difference was that he was being blackmailed over his Nazi past—not over his underwear. In this way, the Jews also brought the State of Israel itself into their strategic planning, ensuring access to all the resources that an independent nation possesses—in case the need arose. This happened relatively easily, because the state of “martyrs”, using the pretext of protecting the “victims” of the “Holocaust”, already had an international presence that was unnatural for its size!
The Mossad of this state would simply “oversee” the CIA and submit to the Jews of the United States, who were Hoover’s and Allen Dulle’s blackmailers. The State of Israel would coordinate such a “scenario”, which a mere gang of criminals could not safely execute from within the U.S. This state, in this role, took control of the CIA …It took over the intelligence agency whose charter directed it “outside” the U.S., and would now “redirect” it to look “inside” the country! This was the “job” of the Jewish James Schlesinger. He was the infamous “reformer” of the CIA. His mission was to “reform” the agency according to the new interests of its new masters. He was roaming freely within the CIA of the blackmailed Dulles. He expelled many American patriots from the agency and hired new personnel based on new criteria.
Since Mossad would take on the role of “watching” outside the U.S., the CIA would have to “watch” inside the U.S. Suddenly, the CIA violated its original charter and changed both its leadership and its mission. From an American agency —whose role was to “monitor” foreign states in order to protect U.S. interests— it was transformed into a Zionist agency—one that “monitored” the U.S. itself in order to protect Israel’s interests! Mossad, disguised in American “clothing” and using American resources, would take over the “management” of U.S. international operations, while the CIA would now be tasked with controlling Americans themselves! …It would change “targets” but not its objectives! …It would shift its “focus” and become the American agency that controls not just other nations, but also Americans themselves—for the benefit of the Zionists.
For this reason, from that moment on, the majority of the CIA’s personnel would operate within the U.S., rather than outside it, as its founding charter originally intended. From that time onward, the era of Kissinger would “rise”, and gradually, the “tools” for controlling nations would be placed in the “hands” of the “small” Mossad. All of the Jewish organizations in the U.S. connected with each other and, using drug money, began lobbying in Washington …They started interfering in U.S. elections …They began controlling politicians. The American Zionist Council (AZC) was the “tool” that carried out this work and was the predecessor of today’s all-powerful AIPAC, which controls ALL American politicians according to the “filters” of Israel’s interests!
All of this —as we see— could be done “underground” through blackmail, without requiring the leadership’s consent …It could be done without the leadership’s knowledge! …Without the U.S. President’s awareness! …Without Kennedy’s knowledge or approval! But that was not enough. The most difficult part of the “big drug operation” was setting up a “market” that did not yet exist! Controlling global drug production from an imperialist state was not difficult. The difficult part was “creating” local distributors—who did not yet exist at that time. The Jews had to build a “factory” for producing drug addicts, whom they would then turn into their “employees”. But they could not do this alone. This required the cooperation of the President himself. This could only be achieved through war …Only through the Vietnam War! …Only the President could “give” them a useful war to create the conditions they needed …To send millions of Americans into the opium-rich lands of Asia, turning them into addicts!
The only purpose of the American campaign in Vietnam was this! …A seemingly inexplicable campaign with a staggering rotation of 2.5 million drafted soldiers! …Poor soldiers, since the American state allowed the children of the wealthy to avoid conscription. The Jews did not want to clash with the powerful elites of American society and did not involve their own children in this atrocity. Given this, they had to control the leadership of this government. The Kennedys became the common enemy of Jews worldwide and of Hoover …A shared enemy, because the Kennedys refused to approve the grand “campaign” in Vietnam and at the same time wanted to remove Hoover from his position.
The Chronicle of a Foretold Death.
The Assassination of an Emperor.
The President refused to serve them, and his brother, as Attorney General and direct superior of Hoover, wanted to remove him from his position. This was the worst possible scenario for their ambitious plans. But this also revealed something else. For the brothers to refuse to comply and for there to be problems controlling them, it meant that the previous blackmail using Monroe in the role of “Salome” had run its course …Her “allure” no longer worked, and worse, the whole world already knew about it. So? …So, they had to “get rid of them”! If they did not “eliminate” them in time, the issue of Vietnam would “collapse”, and they would no longer be able to exploit it! At the same time, Hoover would lose his position, and thus, the “tool” of the FBI would be lost to the Jews.
Things were extremely dangerous for them, as they were facing both the FBI and the CIA simultaneously …and they had noticed nothing! The two armed and secretive instruments of the American state had changed “masters”, while the U.S. President was preoccupied with the underwear of the Jewish Monroe …They did not “see” that the CIA, under the control of Mossad, had begun setting up the international “factory” of drugs, which the Jews saw as their national “investment”. At the same time, the FBI was making organized crime within the U.S. even more organized, in order to “receive” the drug shipments that the CIA had already started “transporting”. The “dirty” drug money was already being perceived by the Jews as a “funding account” and the financial backer of the “vision” of Zionism! …The Kennedy brothers suddenly found themselves “sandwiched” between the two armed “assassins” of the American state!
As we can easily understand, this was a “Babylonian scenario”, carried out by the true children of Babylon and Baal! …Not even of Rome …Conspirators, with the help of a “Salome”, murdered the Emperor and hijacked his throne! In his place, they installed their own “puppet”, and from that moment onward, they placed the entire empire at their “service”! Quite literally, the Jews “stole” America from the Americans! In the great “melting pot” of nations, a filthy and murderous “minority”, through blackmail and assassinations, “brought down” all their other “co-inhabitants”. This has never happened before in history against any other people! By far, Americans were the greatest “fools” in world history!
The Global Domination of the Jews
ONE in the world could threaten them. Israel had become the “dwarf”
with the most powerful “enforcer” in human history. A “nuclear dwarf”
who was provoking the entire Islamic world! Through the FBI, the Jews
controlled organized crime within the U.S. and gradually “corroded” all
its law enforcement agencies. Through the White House, they controlled
how nations handled drug
policies, and the CIA “eliminated” anyone who caused problems! …They
did not even bother to keep up appearances! The American people meant
nothing to them. One only needs to remember that, for Israel’s
interests, Mossad decided to kill Americans in order to force the U.S.
government to defend Israel in its war against the Arab Egyptians. They
bombed the USS Liberty with the intent of killing American soldiers, and
when the survivors “complained” to President Johnson, condemning
Israel’s crime, he completely ignored them. Specifically, the Jewish
President of the United States responded to them that “he would not ruin
relations with Israel over a few dead Americans”. The same man who,
under Mossad’s orders, sealed the evidence regarding Israel’s
assassination of his predecessor was the same one who covered up
Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty.
When someone today “sees” an armed Mossad agent wandering around their homeland, they should know that this “right” was “manufactured” by Mossad itself in Munich! …To “protect” the “persecuted” Jews, who are “at risk” from the “merciless” Christians and the “murderous” Muslims …Same old story, same old tricks from the same fraudsters! …Business as usual! The “children” of Caiaphas and Herzl once again sacrificed some of their own people because it benefited their nation. It benefited the Jews for Mossad to be armed worldwide —to “protect” them— and they did not mind sacrificing a few of their own to achieve it. The largest, most organized, and most cohesive GANG in human history! A nation whose members had once lived in filthy ghettos, practicing their infamous “professions”, suddenly became the global pimp, drug dealer, and loan shark! …From absolute poverty to absolute wealth!
From the moment the Jews, through the Mossad-controlled CIA, introduced drugs into American society —and, using the FBI, turned it into a nationwide “plague”— everything else was easy. The huge profits from the “sickness” of American society gave Jewish loan sharks the ability to set up banking “laundries”! For this reason, and with this goal in mind, they also created Las Vegas …Las Vegas, which was under absolute Jewish control and enjoyed absolute protection from the FBI. It is no coincidence that the Jewish “founder” of Las Vegas, Bugsy Siegel, was childhood friends with the Jewish Meyer Lansky, who blackmailed Hoover.
The “machine” of Jewish “success” had been fully set up. Gambling “justified” everything! …On the Jews’ roulette tables, drug money from Jewish traffickers was “laundered” and then transferred as “clean” deposits into the banks of Jewish loan sharks. From there, with this massive flow of money, Jewish “investors”, through privileged “loans” and thus under conditions of unfair competition, took over everything. Overnight, common fraudsters were “baptized” as tycoons and “swept” through all industries under conditions of unfair competition. No one could stop them because, with their money —among other things— they had secured an immense defense.
Through Hollywood, they financed countless films to create the Jewish “halo” of the “chosen” people with great “abilities”, a people whom everyone “envies” and “resents”. With the purchase of the media, they “erased” any opposing view that could threaten their interests. Anyone who disagreed with them was an antisemite or, even worse, a crypto-communist—and the FBI of the degenerate Hoover was right outside their door to intimidate them. They transformed the AZC into AIPAC to erase from its “history” its “conflict” with Kennedy and turned it into the ultimate “power broker” of American politics …The biggest “shadow power” in Washington! …The only foreign political influence center that the American power structure and judiciary “pretend” to see as American.
The American people had now fallen into a “death trap” from which it was certain they could not escape by any means. With the tolerance of the Washington government, the Jews did whatever they wanted. They literally “ordered” their “employees” to pass whatever laws benefited their businesses, and they delivered them without hesitation. With these types of “custom-made” laws, they violated all the safety “mechanisms” of the American state. They broke through every “barrier” that had once protected the American people from private interests. They turned every sector into potential “prey” for the Jews. They threw the American people the “bait” of “sex & drugs & rock & roll” and took everything from them!
The banks of the loan sharks destroyed the healthcare system, since —through insurance companies and in conspiracy with their own pharmaceutical companies— they turned “healthcare” from a social good into a product of speculation! They made medical services outrageously expensive in order to sell loans to the sick. The same banks of the loan sharks turned “education” from a social good into a product of speculation! They made higher education prohibitively expensive, again to sell loans. The same thing happened with “housing”, which is the most essential material necessity for a person. Americans, who until the Kennedy era needed three years of work to afford a home, were now forced into mortgage loans. Housing became prohibitively expensive, and instead of three years, it now took thirty years of labor to pay off a home. They also took over the agricultural sector, and through companies like Monsanto, they got a grip on the farmers! By forcing them to buy genetically modified seeds and specialized Roundup products, within a few years they “mortgaged” the entirety of American farmland.
Everything that people needed to live was passed through the “filter” of “credit” by the bankers, making it outrageously expensive, because they profited from selling “loans” as a so-called “convenience”! The “American Dream” had already become a “borrowed dream”, built on “debt”. Every American found themselves holding a credit card, chasing a fake “prosperity” that was only a matter of time before it “expired”—at the expense of the naïve. All of this was done by Jewish loan sharks with the enormous liquidity they gained from the limitless drug money! …The dirty money from the social plague they themselves had introduced into American society! Gradually, they turned the life of the American people into a living hell, making them “chase” debts while robbing them of everything valuable. They forced Americans to work their entire lives just to pay off unnecessary “loans”. The average American dies leaving nothing to their descendants except debt! They own nothing except a credit card “loaded” with debt …This is a real hell!
They literally took everything from them. They left them with nothing. Never in history has any other people been “raped” to this extent by another people. Americans, for anything they do, must pay “protection money” to the Jews! They lived in wooden shack camps when they first arrived in America, and they still live in camps today—because it benefits the Jews who sell them “loans”. It benefits the Jews to keep them constantly “on the move”, which requires loans, forcing them into a “nomadic” lifestyle. Most Americans are “nomads”, and the rest live in cities that —due to poverty and drugs— have turned into open-air “toilets” for the homeless. The “successful” Americans are “nomads”, and the rest are homeless. This is a world record. The first imperialists whose own people experience worse living conditions than their victims! The first settlers arrived in America as poor people, and their children today are even poorer. All of this is an “achievement” of the Jewish loan sharks who exploit everything within the United States.
Everything that Americans once enjoyed for free, as participants in the “success” of their country, the Jews took from them and “sold” back to them with a loan! If they could, they would even turn Americans’ ability to breathe into a “product” requiring debt to sustain. NOTHING belongs to Americans—not just in their own country, but even in their own lives. The average American does not own their own home; they simply pay for it until they die. Their education is in debt, and for most of their working life, they are repaying loans. Their car is old, and yet they are still making payments on it. The worst part is that if they are unfortunate enough to fall ill, they cannot afford to go to the hospital! The vast majority of Americans who suffer a serious illness are certain to go bankrupt! The credit card of today’s average American is “loaded” with debt that will take ten years of labor to repay! They literally live a “borrowed life”, not just financially but existentially! The once-envied “participant” in the “American Dream” has become “cursed”.
The Global “Leap” of Zionism Toward World Domination
With the Iraq War and the “murder” of an entire country, they created conditions of complicity across all Western nations, and in doing so, they changed the operational structure of the Western Alliance. Through threats and corruption, they forced nations into a new system—one that “opened” them to the flood of narco-dollars. While Schwarzkopf was bombing Iraq, the Jewish Greenspan had already begun a “bombardment” of dirty money, which required corruption to function and “crippled” every nation. An exact repeat of their tactics in the U.S.! …They would provide “cheap” money to seize highly valuable “mortgages”. Just as they had “swept up” all American capital within the U.S. using drug money, they would do the same to other nations. The millionaires of the U.S. would become today’s global billionaires. The Jews, who until then dominated the U.S., would now dominate the entire Western world.
Within a few years, Hitler’s former financial backers had achieved his “vision” for global conquest …The “vision” that, as he himself had “revealed” to us, would be supported by his Nazi “settlers” in the conquered territories! This is exactly what the Zionists did to conquer the world. Their own “settlers” in the “conquered” countries are the ILLEGAL immigrants—and especially the permanently and eternally “distinct” ILLEGAL immigrants, who are Muslims. The CIA, under the orders of Mossad, is behind the policies that destabilize nations and trigger the “waves” of ILLEGAL immigration. A member of this Mossad and this CIA is also Soros, who manages these “waves” in the regions where they “unload”.
All of this was pre-planned from the beginning and did not just happen by coincidence! …It was the result of a very specific design to protect the Jews! The goal was the “Americanization” of purely national Christian states, which frightened the Jews because their reactions were always anti-Zionist. Their objective was for all these nations to be reshaped in the image of the United States —to become “melting pots” of peoples— so that the thieving Jews could pass unnoticed. The same Kissinger, who played a leading role in the previous era, would become the architect and coordinator of the New World Order …The beast who, just hours before his death, “justified” the human slaughter in Ukraine!
Everything was going “smoothly” for the Jewish gang. Power in the U.S. was in the hands of the Democratic Party and, therefore, the “pirates” of the assassinated Kennedy. The “puppet” Johnson would be succeeded by other useless “puppets”, such as Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden, etc. Foreign policy was managed by the successors of Kissinger—figures like Albright, Blinken, Nuland, etc. Economic policy would be controlled by the successors of Greenspan—figures like Bernanke, Yellen, etc.
They are not bound by the moral restrictions of other peoples and other religions, because their religion allows them to be immoral—and as a result, they are collectively immoral without consequence. They are not bound by the natural restrictions of other peoples, because they maintain their national characteristics within the states of others. They are “viruses” that cannot be contained or defeated by the “body” of humanity. For this reason, the 0.4% of the global population holds 20% of the world’s billionaires. Practically speaking, one in five billionaires on a planet of 8 billion people is Jewish. Around these billionaires, the entire Jewish Diaspora thrives in a way that no other people has achieved as a whole. All of them benefit from favorable loans, financial assistance, and protection from the community, so they become accomplices in their national “colpo grosso”. Immorality, conspiracy, and boundless mutual assistance through privileged lending are the “secrets” of this “success”.
This was the achievement of the Jews, and as we can see, it has an explanation …A logical explanation! They did not reach the “top” because they are “God’s chosen people” or because they are capable! They are not powerful “beasts” who defeated humanity and enslaved it. They are infectious “viruses” who first “sickened” humanity and then, as true “parasites”, sought to benefit from “scavenging”! …Through deceit and immorality, they created conditions of unfair competition and “dominated” everyone. With limitless money from the global “scourge” of drugs and the universal suffering of humanity, they became unstoppable. That is their “secret”. They are the “crippled” Olympic champions who carried guns and “shot” their competitors! That is how they became the richest and most powerful figures in the world. They became the living “parasites” of a world that is now “half-dead”. That is how they built the most powerful “wealth-generating machine” in world history. But what threatens a machine when it is running? …An unexpected “malfunction” …A tiny “fragment” that can get caught in its “gears” and “shatter” them …Something insignificant, yet capable of causing total destruction.
The irony was that this “dangerous” political “persona” for their plans was one they created themselves! …Trump was their man! …A man of loans, real estate, casinos, media—someone with a long history as a celebrity with a reputation for debauchery …They entertained him at their parties along with the “herds” of models he surrounded himself with. How did this person end up on the central political “stage”? The Zionists, wanting to ensure an easy victory for their Democratic candidate, Hillary, believed it was safe to put up one of their own flashy “extras” as her opponent …A “celebrity” who could easily defeat the unknown competitors in the Republican primaries but who, in the final stretch of the national election, would also easily lose to the Democratic “machine”. But the surprise happened—the “clown” beat the “lame horse”! In his first term, he caused them enormous damage for the first time, and now he has “returned” to cause even greater harm! To win the last election, he promised Americans that he would reveal the “sealed secrets” of the American state! …To do the things that were strictly forbidden by the Zionists.
At the same time, he also indirectly “hit” the AIPAC “lobbying” network itself. This “lobbying” is based on the illegal financing of treasonous American politicians, forcing them to serve Zionist interests instead of American ones! In reality, this is what causes all the internal corruption that allows the Zionists to control the political personnel of the United States! The entire control of the U.S. state stems from the control of its political personnel by those who finance them illegally.
By allowing Musk —through DOGE— to investigate corrupt politicians, he is actually threatening those who bribe them! Within a few days, all Americans learned that their politicians were not only immensely wealthy due to corruption but that nearly all of them were hand-picked by the Zionist AIPAC!!! This Zionist organization does the “casting” for who will become a politician and who will not. In fact, they had become so brazen that most “American” politicians were actually Jews with dual citizenship!!! …Not even in the worst “Banana Republics” do things like this happen!
And if someone thinks that these are the worst things for the Zionist deep state, they are mistaken! …The even bigger threat is that Trump has promised to reveal the lists from the biggest scandals in U.S. history! The current revelations about the Epstein ring or Puff Daddy are, in reality, the exposure of the Mossad network and the Jewish underworld, which is built upon the “infrastructure” of Hoover and the Democratic Party! …These are the “funnels” that permanently supply the Jewish extortion “machine” with new faces! Both the Jew Epstein and the Jew Davis —who “hides” behind the useless Puff Daddy— are Mossad agents and, of course, collaborators of the FBI. The exposure of this network, which has been blackmailed by Jews, is directly connected to the revelations surrounding the Kennedy assassination …They are “pieces” of the same “puzzle”! The Kennedy files, USS Liberty, Epstein, Puff Daddy—they are all connected, and the “thread” leads straight to Mossad’s underground facilities in Tel Aviv! When these secrets are exposed, they will all reveal the same truth! …They will expose the subjugation of the United States to Zionism and Israel! The “key” to these “secrets” is Garland! Whoever gets their hands on the cowardly Garland can uncover the absolute truth!
What Trump is doing is extremely dangerous for Zionism! But someone might ask: If everything we say here is true, why do they allow him to do it? Why don’t they “eliminate” him? Why don’t they kill him? …Who said they haven’t tried? Simply put, Zionism has entered the vortex of a “civil war”, and while one faction wants to kill him to avoid losing the White House, the other faction wants to protect him to keep him as a “hostage” and control the White House. Trump has been threatened with death by the “Global Zionism” of Schumer and Soros, but he is protected by the “National Zionism” of Netanyahu and the hardline Zionists of Israel! He is completely controlled by Netanyahu! Objectively —and at the core of Zionist interests— the man who is truly fateful for Zionism is NOT Trump! …It is Netanyahu! …Trump is merely his “tool”!
The Contemporary Antichrist and the Punishment of His Followers
Just when someone might have thought that humanity could not produce a more despicable piece of human garbage than the murderer Kissinger, another Jew came along and surpassed him. Netanyahu, facing his personal destruction due to his corruption and in order to secure his own salvation, risked altering the entire global order! With summary procedures, he “manufactured” a provocation that required the sacrifice of Israeli citizens and then murdered tens of thousands of women and children, destroying the lives of millions in Gaza. All of this with a single decision and without a second thought.
He formed a government by “allying” with any “extremist” willing to collaborate with an indicted criminal and then launched the bloodbath. In reality, he “ignited” the long-anticipated Armageddon exactly in the region foretold by the Holy Scriptures! As Israel’s “permanent” Prime Minister, with absolute control over Mossad, he had the “tools” to begin his mission. He alone decided to become the ultimate manager of Zionism’s global power and commit crimes in its name to save himself personally. He simultaneously became the “curse” of Judaism and the Antichrist for Christians and Muslims. An ambiguous “Messiah” for Judaism and the greatest living criminal against humanity!
His goal is simple: if he manages to create the “Great Israel”, he will be safe and will die as the greatest national hero of his people! …He will “rise” above Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir …Truly “equal” to Moses and David, the one who will give the Jews the “Promised Land” of the Scriptures. With Greater Israel as his objective, he wants to change the entire global order, which today serves international Zionism! As part of this plan, he seeks to transform the U.S. as a whole into a “tool” that serves only Israel’s interests and no one else’s! That is, if until now Zionism has “hidden” behind the U.S., with this shift in strategy, Zionism will “rise” above the U.S. and thus risk being exposed to public view! …And that is exactly what is happening!
By aligning himself with Trump —who promised to open the files containing all the secrets of Zionism— Netanyahu is putting the very existence of Zionism at risk! He threatens all those “pillars” that allow Zionism to control the U.S. and, through it, the global New Order. All of these secrets that Trump has promised to reveal are connected to the assassination of Kennedy, which gave the Jews the opportunity to establish the “deep state” of the U.S.! …The deep state that allowed them to plunder the American people and then, with those massive profits, repeat the same exploitation against all of humanity! Does the reader now understand why we speak of the Jewish “Donaueschingen”? …Why we compare this “source” to the Kennedy assassination? …It is in this assassination that we find the “source” of all evils for the nations! …From there, the “Danube” of terrible Jewish wealth flows!
In Kennedy’s assassination lies the secret behind the mysterious and seemingly inexplicable “success” of the Jews! …From there begins the “blockbuster production” of the “dirty” money fueling the global trade of drugs, prostitution, corruption, and plundering—money that has now reached such a “volume” that it is “drowning” the global economy of human productivity! …From there begins the present-day decline of American society! …From there begins America’s nightmarish epidemic of drugs, poverty, and disease! …From there begins the enslavement of the United States to Zionism and Israel! However, it is also from there that the misfortune of the rest of humanity, caused by the U.S., begins! …From there originates the most notorious post-war “factory” of American imperialist policy—the military interventions spanning across the globe! Just in recent years, this murderous Zionist “machine” has claimed nearly two million lives in the war in Ukraine and a massive slaughter of women and children in Gaza!
All of this is threatened by the naivety and ignorance of Trump, who promised to release the files of the recent major scandals that have rocked the United States. The pornographic videos of Epstein and Puff Daddy are dangerous for Zionism, as they serve as the ultimate “tool” of its power. With such videos, the Zionists can maintain the “mechanism” of betrayal and corruption of political officials, who are driving the deadly political agenda globally! These videos of deviancy pose a threat to the “puppets” who pretend to be the powerful men, not only of the U.S. but of the entire global political “chessboard”! From the same files, not only Obama, the Clintons, and the Bidens are threatened, but also Macron, Starmer, Scholz, the Mitsotakis family, and others. Netanyahu holds these files in his hands and dares to commit crimes, disregarding International Courts. Unfortunately for him, however, Trump promised these files before the attempt on his life, and therefore before he himself fell under “hostage” circumstances.
At this moment, the United States is perhaps at the most crucial turning point in its history! They are holding a “bomb”, the handling of which will determine their future. For obvious reasons, it seems that Trump hesitates to reveal these files—files that are inconvenient for Netanyahu as well, and which he does not want to be exposed. At the same time, American public opinion is pushing for the opposite. Everything is being delayed again and again, but with a public that eagerly awaits the truth to be revealed …The truth that concerns them and has turned their homeland into a “slaughterhouse”, with them as the greatest victims of this “massacre”. Bondy from the DOJ and Patel from the FBI are nowhere to be found. It’s clear that no one wants, and perhaps no one can, take responsibility for such an outcome. We are literally facing a “rock and a hard place” situation! Everything is both clear and secret at the same time!
All Americans now —after the latest developments— have realized that everything “leads” to the Jews and Israel …They have realized that their country does NOT belong to them! …They have understood that its mechanisms do NOT serve them! …They have realized that its security services require a complete “reconstruction”! They are so “rotten” from the long-standing Jewish “corruption” that they cannot be saved by appointing new leadership. No Bondy and no Patel can change their role and their “orientation”! The CIA and FBI are so intertwined with Mossad and Israel that it no longer makes any sense for the USA to even exist!!! After decades of following the Hoover and Johnson models, it is clear that there is NOT A SINGLE person inside them who is not connected to the interests of the “masters”! …NOT A SINGLE person who has been hired and developed within them without being “filtered” by them! They must be dismantled and re-established on a new foundation with completely new faces! Even the FBI’s administration building, named after the perverse Hoover, must be sold and “erased” from American daily life!
All of these events we see happening today have understandably caused a tremendous “shock” in American society. Literally, we are talking about a violent “coming of age”, since until now it had been content with the “hypnosis” of “God bless America” by its leaders. The era of innocence and naivety seems to have abruptly ended, and now they “see” a nightmare ahead of them with protagonists who are perverts, pedophiles, and murderers! They now understand that the political figures of their homeland are utterly corrupt and blackmailed by the Jews. They have realized that their own politicians serve ISRAEL’S INTERESTS FIRST, and then the American ones! They have understood that their country is enslaved to the secret “directorate” of AIPAC! Documents have already leaked proving that Epstein was a Mossad agent! …Documents show that Puff Daddy’s “mentor”, the Jew Clive Davis, was also a Mossad agent! This means that all the “dirty laundry” of the American political scene over the years —through the FBI and CIA— was going directly to Israel! Everything is controlled by Mossad and Netanyahu, who is daily proving to be the real “master” of the USA!
From this point forward, whatever the United States decides to do will come with enormous costs! If they open their secret files and release previously sealed archives to the public, they won’t merely have an ordinary scandal on their hands—they’ll face a societal “collapse” of seismic proportions. They’ll be exposed to global public opinion and forced to send some of the most prominent figures of their social “elite” to the electric chair! …INEVITABLY so, as we are talking about genuinely heinous crimes here, not merely sexual scandals! …We are talking about CRIMES that go beyond even common pedophilia! …We are talking about the murder of children in ritual sacrifices! …We are talking about necrophilia and the rape of children’s corpses! There is no act of depravity beyond human imagination that they haven’t already tried! Why? …Because they wanted to keep their slaves “bound” FOREVER! …So that they could threaten them with death at any moment, should they refuse to fulfill even their most absurd and treacherous demands!
However, if this scenario represents the proverbial “cliff”, there is also the “stream”! The “stream” is that if Americans fail to act, they will remain enslaved by the Jews! If Americans do not sacrifice their current abnormal and corrupt “elite”, their society will remain subject to the blackmail of this “elite”! If they don’t get rid of the various Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, and their ilk, they’ll continue to live in a “hell” of corruption, decay, and poverty! In such a case, nothing will change, and the Zionist “masters” of the United States, who exploit Americans, will remain unchanged! Conditions will continue to deteriorate with no hope for improvement. Americans will sink deeper into poverty and drugs, and their cities will increasingly resemble scenes from science fiction films depicting humanity’s collapse.
But if the Americans decide to open the “records” of their security services, we will witness world-changing events. In this scenario, the Zionists will be in deep trouble! As revelations continue and Americans begin to realize they are the FOOLS in this story, the situation for the Zionists will worsen dramatically. When Americans realize they are the biggest FOOLS in human history, they will lose their minds! …Their perception will be completely overturned! In such a case, Zionists within the United States will find themselves under conditions similar to Nazi Germany! …Everyone will hate them! …Their fellow “housemates” will want their “blood”! …Zionists will be caught red-handed at the crime scene, holding the tools of their crimes before a people who hate them for raping and killing their children solely for financial gain! Their destruction will be easy and total, precisely because they orchestrated it themselves. They dug their own graves!
Therefore, if they now lose their power, EVERYONE will lose EVERYTHING! …They will lose ALL their assets, which are now recorded on the computer systems of the countries hosting them and could vanish instantly with a simple “delete” command! Simultaneously, this destruction concerns ALL of them, as they naively sought and acquired dual citizenship, directly linking themselves with the state of Israel. It would suffice for someone to freeze their assets and simultaneously revoke their dual citizenship, and within a very short time, they would ALL have to relocate to Israel —as required for foreign nationals— even if they’ve never seen Israel in their lives! Thus, the defeat of the Zionists today —due precisely to the technology that they themselves, through their power, allowed to remain unchecked— will inflict irreversible damage upon them!
If their crimes are revealed —those recorded in Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s videos—, NO power will be able to save them! NO nation will oppose the collective punishment of the most despicable and deceitful people in human history! …The people who, for decades, manipulated others with the false “Holocaust” narrative, which they fabricated as an excuse to plunder everyone! NO ONE will object to the material punishment of the people who are central figures in global usury, pedophilia, pornography, prostitution, blackmail, and drug trafficking! Currently, there is NOT ONE Jewish asset IN THE ENTIRE WORLD that is not the product of criminal activity! …Not one asset that is not the result of their collective action or stolen from peoples who allowed themselves to be plundered using money from worldwide illegality! …Infinite human suffering, blood, and tears stain ALL their possessions! This is the absolute definition of the legal term “proceeds of crime”!
ALL THESE things must be returned to their victims without any second thought! Afterward, this wandering desert tribe must be expelled from all states with the same decisiveness with which they were once expelled from Pharaoh’s Egypt! …“MENE, TEKEL, PERES”! With the certainty provided by the testimony of time, they have been MEASURED, WEIGHED, and found WANTING! There exists a historical record of their deeds throughout all these centuries, as well as proof that they acted consciously and in a thoroughly organized manner against humanity. By measuring their actions against the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, the malicious intent and premeditation behind the greatest collective crime ever committed in human history will be confirmed.
Consequently, NO ONE will oppose the “confiscation” of Jewish properties across the length and breadth of the planet since they are products of crime! NO ONE will oppose the forced “relocation” of a people who, at the dawn of the third millennium, dared to commit actual ethnic cleansing against an innocent people who were forced to “host” them! NO ONE will object to relocating to Palestine those who —without the poor Palestinians’ consent— were negotiating the relocation of Palestinians to Somalia and Sudan! They will pay for their own crimes in kind! EVERYONE will lose EVERYTHING, without ever again having the chance to recover it! NEVER AGAIN will humanity be troubled by its current oppressors! They have “stained” humanity, and the time has come for it to be cleansed and freed from this “filth”!!!
Their “river” will run “DRY”,
simply because “Donaueschingen” will be “SEALED” FOREVER!
The “beast” will return to the place it was “born”,
to “DIE” there!
The Zionist dream of Israel
was “killed” by those who envisioned it!
Panagiotis Traianou
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