There are two main protagonists in these elections!…
…And they are neither Trump nor Harris!
The entire planet is at risk from the MARXISTS and PEDOPHILES of the USA!
What is happening today in the USA surpasses all previous situations. We are witnessing a campaign so dirty and immoral that, in any other case, justice should have already intervened! All political issues concerning the citizen, which should be at the center of the electoral debate, have been sidelined. Instead, there are daily personal attacks …Character slanders and insinuations, which could be subjects of lawsuits …Not even a pretense of respect —just for the sake of the “appearance” of Democracy— towards the opponent. This is completely illegal and irrational! You cannot “demonize” opponents, along with the millions of citizens who vote for them! The Democrats have launched the dirtiest election campaign of all time! They are trying to stir up a “witch hunt” to activate citizens” instincts against their rationality. They show NO respect for ANY moral principles of Democracy and even violate the law itself!
Harris, Biden, Clinton, and Obama unleash daily slanderous attacks and lies, betting purely on social division that “blinds” citizens …Forcing them not to “see” the mundane and everyday issues, but rather the “higher” ones …Making them rally around centers that promise “salvation” against alleged “dark” enemies who, logically, shouldn’t even exist in a Democracy …Forcing them to choose by the logic of the “lesser evil” even when they see that their “chosen ones” are utterly useless! …Useless people, fighting for “civilization” …just like Netanyahu, who kills the children of Gaza to “save civilization”!
This is not accidental nor due to the “immaturity” of the American electorate. What we are witnessing is MARXISM fighting in all its intensity and hypocrisy! MARXISM in a state of “war”, panicked before its inevitable defeat! That is what this is about. The MARXIST party of atheist Zionists —of Schumer, Blinken, Yellen, and Mayorkas— is fighting a battle for “survival”. For this reason, it has launched a terrible “barrage” of threats, blackmail, and slander in all directions. The “buffoon” known as Kamala Harris, in official statements, insinuated the “undemocratic nature” of Trump …She hinted that she “fears” him because he is akin to Hitler …She implied knowledge of secret plans that this dangerous “Hitler” has for the military and his administration if he takes power, suggesting he would dismantle democratic institutions. In such a scenario, he would “retaliate” against his opponents and their supporters …He would impose martial law and rule as a dictator.
As a TRUE MARXIST, she follows what is the “foundation” of Marxist communication strategy in confronting opponents. What is that? …Accusing others of what you yourself are doing!!! …You divide society while accusing others of divisive rhetoric! …You act racist towards your opponents and project that onto yourself to play the victim! …You accuse them of racism while making your skin color and the fight against White Supremacy your banner! …You accuse someone of fascism while you yourself came to power through a party “coup”! …You accuse someone of a lack of qualifications and credentials when you climbed the career ladder through the dirty beds of elderly “patrons”! …You accuse someone of being supposedly “tired” and then take leave to “rest”! …You accuse your opponent of vindictiveness while your own government conducted judicial and police raids against Trump! …You “fear” the “instrumentalization” of the state while Garland has turned the American Justice system into your government’s “servant”!
The worst part is that this campaign of desperation and lies is not only led by the silly white woman pretending to be black! …The entire “elite” of the MARXIST Democratic party is on the same page! …All the party’s “barons”, mysteriously wealthy, with no other life activities but politics! Biden, Clinton, and Obama do the same things as Harris! …The entire MARXIST “gang” of corruption, fraud, and war is moving in the same direction! If these things weren’t dangerous, all the things said by the corrupt old man with Alzheimer’s would be laughable. In the few remaining moments of “clarity” he has left, he accuses Trump on a personal level …He accuses Trump of intending to do “ALL” the things he himself has “ALREADY” done against him during his own term!…
Finally, we have Obama …Another major figure of the Democratic Party —and recently a tycoon— also “attacks” Trump …The unpunished “murderer” of Libya speaks of a “criminal”! …The one who destroyed the American economy to save Zionist banks accuses the tycoon Trump of lacking the qualifications to do the job he himself did! …The “hunter” of cheap lovers in Chicago makes insinuations about Trump’s personal life! …The one who is literally under investigation for the murder of his chef! …The one who calls Trump a “racist” but at the same time asks black people to vote in the elections based solely on the color of their skin!!!
This, as we understand, is not only immoral and unethical for the political confrontation process but also criminally punishable! If Kamala has information on such anti-democratic plans, she is obligated to go to the courts and present them …and the courts should intervene and act according to the law! If she does not turn to the courts, the courts should summon her because all these are blatant slanders that can affect the election outcome, and thus punishments must be handed down. What is happening, and why don’t we see either action taking place? Why doesn’t Justice intervene to restore order to the illiterate “buffoon” who recently proved to be a “master” of plagiarism? Why doesn’t it act? …Because Garland’s corrupt American Justice system operates in a purely MARXIST way! …It is “aligned” with the side making the violations and thus has a vested interest in them!
However, the question in this case is different. Theoretically, what we are witnessing is not entirely unprecedented. In previous electoral battles, there was polarization, and many times those in power were tempted to use the mechanisms and resources of the state to “help” their party win. This has happened before and will continue to happen. However, what is strange today is the unprecedented intensity of this situation …It is the intensity that makes it unprecedented …The deliberate provocation of social division …The personal attacks against the opponent …The “demonization” of the opponent …The use of intelligence services, which put the opponent’s personal security at risk …The use of judicial authorities aimed at preventing the opponent from exercising their right to run for office.
These are the unprecedented things, phenomena never seen in the past. Would Clinton —as a presidential candidate— ever be left unprotected and exposed to potential assassins? Would the FBI ever raid Obama’s house to the point of rummaging through his wife’s underwear? Their opponents never reached this point, no matter how much they “burned” to win the elections. Why are these things happening today and with such intensity? That is the question that must be answered. Why NOW and not in the past? …These things are happening because these elections involve a “stake”, which is not immediately visible …They are happening because all the inherent weaknesses of the American system have come to the fore!
This is precisely the “secret” of today’s situation …The “sick” state that the MARXISTS are risking turning into an “irreparable” damage! The “stake” of these elections is the “KEYS” to the American state!!! Whoever wins these elections will take these “KEYS” and everything that comes with them …“Keys” that should not exist in a democratic system, which would allow them to rule like a DICTATOR! …Doing whatever they want without anyone being able to threaten them! …Exactly what the Democrats are doing today, who have “weaponized” the American state to gain personal and partisan benefits! This is why the Democrats are furious. They know that losing these “keys” will not only mark the end of their current dominance, but perhaps also the beginning of their personal trials with an unknown ending.
All this political-economic “gang”, using dirty and anti-democratic means, managed to create the illegal “keys” of the American system. This entire Jewish alliance, with the help and infrastructure of the “sister” Mossad, managed to seize the ENTIRE political system of the former Superpower. These are the ones who are now in a state of panic and want to win the elections at all costs. They want to win them because if they lose, they risk losing the “keys” to the USA …and the situation turning against them! These bosses are the ZIONISTS, and they are the ones fighting the ultimate battle for survival today. They created these “keys” to ensure a MARXIST-style party monopoly with two “faces”! In reality, today’s USA functions like a “Soviet state” with a democratic two-party “façade”! Just look at the mandatory “standing ovations” periodically given by Capitol Hill and compare them to those of Stalin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi Jinping.
The façade is different, but the backstage threats and blackmail of politicians resemble those in communist regimes. By controlling both these parties simultaneously, the MARXIST ZIONISTS could control the entire state apparatus to the fullest extent! …They could place their people in all the posts that interested them —regardless of the party theoretically in power—. This was their achievement. They had “staged” a “performance” pretending to be a Democracy, while in reality, it was MARXIST TOTALITARIANISM!
Those who supposedly appeared as “enemies” and competitors to each other —for the sake of Democracy and to maintain the illusion of the electoral process— in reality belonged to the same center of MARXIST POWER! …”Puppets” of the same Zionist bosses! Capitalism wasn’t even functioning in its “capital”, considering the American banking system —which destroyed the Americans— survived with state funds given by MARXIST politicians to MARXIST usurers! All “smart” and “unbeatable” until they needed the state’s “lifeline”! …Their corrupt state!
BOTH parties in the USA always fully consented to all these crimes against Democracy! No matter who occupied the White House, the same policy would be followed —even under different party symbols— …They didn’t care if Clinton was succeeded by a Bush, as he was also their own! …It didn’t bother them if a “hard” liberal like Kerry or a “hard” conservative like Cheney occupied the same position …For them, it was the same thing! Whether the “speaker of the House” was the “democratic” Pelosi or Johnson, the same funding for the same wars would pass through their votes …Always the same calculated “YEA” and “NAY” gave them what they sought …Always the same “standing ovations” for the same Jews Netanyahu and Zelensky would be given.
But suddenly all these “collapsed”! …A “magic hand” pulled down the curtain, and the Americans —like the rest of the world— saw the way in which the U.S. political system is controlled …They saw how their political system fell into the “hands” of common criminals who blackmailed in “street” terms. Whether by mistake of some lower-level FBI officers or due to whistleblower leaks, the curtain was suddenly lifted, and a “window” appeared …and, as is known, windows offer views! From then on, as always happens, one bad thing led to another! …One thing led to another, and the FBI —inevitably— from Epstein —and for the same reasons— reached the doorstep of Puff Daddy …After the shocking revelations in both cases, we finally discovered how the Zionists control the U.S. We realized that Jewish criminals had remained criminals as they were in the ghettos, regardless of passing through Harvard …We understood that the control is NOT due to the Zionists” money or lobbying, but to blackmail! …The blackmail of perverted people! …The blackmail of perverted politicians, mainly connected to pedophilia!
It was proven that Mossad, the FBI, and the CIA had set up an entire “blackmail industry”. It was proven that they possessed all the elements that put the entire political personnel of the U.S. “hostage” …They held the entire American state hostage, which was under the absolute authority of the power centers that control these “sacred” institutions. So, to the question of how the “keys” to the U.S. ended up in the hands of the Zionists, the answer is simple …They created them themselves! …They knew the “doors” and made “keys”! …They knew which “positions” were necessary and ensured that their staffing was covered with blackmailed “successful” officials. This explains why every time Jewish Zelensky visits the U.S., he not only manages to receive tens of billions, but does so amid applause and ovations from the “hostages” in Capitol Hill! Likewise, Jewish Netanyahu —who has committed thousands of crimes in the last year alone— secures the U.S. political support, as well as financial and military backing.
We consider it absolutely certain that this entire blackmail is based on pedophilia, because only pedophilia in a corrupt and sexually degenerate world can now be considered a sufficient threat to achieve blackmail. Only with the charge of pedophilia can even the most powerful figure in the world be threatened with absolute destruction. Pedophilia is the last and perhaps the only “red line” left in a humanity experiencing absolute decline. This blackmail was sought and achieved for everyone of interest as “targets”, including the two monopolistically governing parties of the U.S.
But —an unsuspecting reader might say— what we are saying is not contradictory? If they control both parties, why are they so concerned about the outcome of the upcoming elections as we claim? Theoretically, they should be indifferent to who wins the elections …They were indifferent in the past whether the Republican Bush or the Democrat Clinton won…
The problem, unfortunately for the Zionists, is more complex! …They hit the “jackpot”! …They got the one-in-three-hundred-million chance! …They got Trump! …They are NOT afraid of the Republicans! …They fear Trump! …They fear Trump not for his abilities, but for his uniqueness as a candidate! …They fear Trump because he is a conventional Christian capitalist in a controlled “lake” of MARXISTS! …They fear Trump, who has “infiltrated” the party they supposedly controlled! …They fear Trump, whose popularity does not allow the “hard-core” party members —like Cheney— to “get rid of him”! …They fear Trump, whom they themselves once “created” to give an easy victory to the despised Hillary Clinton! …They fear Trump, who is an amateur politician and speaks to citizens like a businessman speaks to customers to persuade them! …A politician uninitiated into Zionist plans and conspiracies, who chooses his collaborators based on “non-conspiratorial” criteria.
Why do they fear him? …Because simply by being in power, he opens “windows” where there should be “walls”! Inevitably, because he “brings along” his own people —equally uninitiated like him— he lets them have contact with the “sacred mysteries” of blackmail. Inevitably, as President, he will have access to the FBI files and, along with him, all the people who will be his choices for staffing key positions of power! Thus, there is a danger to the “keys” we refer to. These “keys”, if they fall into many hands, will most likely lose their “value”, as the “locks” will become useless! If people start learning the names of the perverted politicians who are puppets of the Zionists and constantly betray the U.S., they will be “finished”! …Zionism will cease to have “influence” on the American system! The “key” will have lost its value, because the blackmailed person in the “lock” position, in the best case, will have gone home.
That is their major problem. Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s dirty “sheets” are the strength of Zionism, which allows it to control the U.S. and, through it, the entire world. Trump has already taken a stance on this matter, which concerns the American public opinion. He has pledged during his campaign to make these lists public. He had, of course, promised something similar during his previous term with the Kennedy assassination files, but then he did not fulfill that promise. At that time, however, he lacked experience and was trapped. Back then, they had “assigned” him Pompeo, who “convinced” him that this would harm U.S. national interests. Now, however, he has the experience …He has the experience to distinguish what harms the U.S. from what harms the “bosses” and Pompeo’s “buddies” …He knows the people of Washington’s “deep state” …He knows whom to avoid putting in his office. Therefore, the “caretakers” of the Republican Party will not play a role in the new situation …and along with them, neither will their Zionist blackmailers!
Now, after the betrayals he suffered in the previous elections, he knows who they are …He knows the Pences, who take orders from the power centers …He knows the Cheneys and other “children” of the Republican Party who hate him and serve their Zionist bosses. This is also the reason why he has removed from his surroundings even his Jewish son-in-law, Kushner! …His “miracle” son-in-law, who he carried with him even to secret meetings with the Pope in the Vatican …His “terrifying” son-in-law, whom some once saw as the ideal successor to him …His Jewish son-in-law, who, without any state position —and the legal constraints that position entails— was responsible for U.S. policy in the Middle East! …His son-in-law, who mysteriously disappeared even during the crucial hours following the failed assassination attempt against him!
So, this Trump has no problem allowing these lists to “leak” …Lists that will destroy pedophiles and whose origins and ends nobody knows …Lists involving Clinton, Obama, and Biden …Lists containing tycoons like Gates or Dimon …Lists that include media “monsters” like Oprah or Stern …Lists that involve major artists …Lists involving Harvard intellectuals and other elite colleges …Lists involving influencers who today are fighting for Kamala to win. It’s clear that Trump is not on these lists, because if he were, they would have already been used to destroy him. But since he’s not on them, he has no issue destroying those fighting against him today …those taking him to court and threatening him with life imprisonment.
It is therefore in his interest to reveal these lists and “burn” all those involved since he is not threatened and is, quite literally, an amateur politician completely out of touch with political “circles”, even within his own party …His MARXIST opponents are the ones getting “burned” by these lists, not him! …His opponents in all fields!
Why are other similar tycoons giving it their all for Kamala to win? Such smart people want the victory of someone whom, according to a recent statement by Mel Gibson, has the IQ of a fence post? Why are they so “burned” by this when everyday life shows that they usually win in business no matter what happens? …They fear something …and that is an unpredictable factor that could reveal their “dirty secrets”! …They fear Trump! …They fear an outsider in a well-orchestrated conspiracy! How dangerous can ONE man be alone in such a well-set-up situation? …Let’s not forget that even a small broken “screw” can “break” even the most well-tuned “engine”! …One slip-up, one “material failure”, and something that took tremendous effort and money to build could “break” in a moment! This is the risk faced by the elite ruling the US today. Trump is an uncontrollable “screw” that can “break the gears” at any moment!
We are certain that all these criminals will attempt more provocations before the election, and —unfortunately— the more the “easy” ones fail, the more they’ll try “harder” ones …Things will get more dangerous, not easier, as the election date approaches …Things will get more dangerous if they start receiving unfavorable polls for Kamala. The Zionists don’t even want to imagine losing power …that they could lose control of the Department of Justice and the FBI. They don’t want to imagine that Epstein’s or Puff Daddy’s lists could be made public …That it might be revealed that the protagonists of these lists are those who made secret deals in Biden’s cases …That the protagonists of these lists are the same ones who insisted on mandatory “vaccinations” with Bourla’s “poisons” …That the protagonists of these lists are the ones who funded the war in Ukraine, opened the borders with Mexico, and burned Maui!
There is a practical problem with the change of leadership in the US! …Things aren’t as simple as they seem and cannot be solved by the people’s vote! There are people who have committed crimes against the people and the state and therefore face the harshest punishment due to their exercise of state power. There are crimes to be covered up that concern both the internal and external affairs of the US. When hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Ukraine due to orders issued from the White House —after secret transactions and deals with Fink or Soros—, things aren’t simple. When the same power condones Netanyahu’s crimes in Gaza, then things get even more complicated. The stakes of this election are much higher than a few political promises about the economy, ILLEGAL immigration, fossil fuels, or anything else that’s “being heard” today in the candidates” speeches and the media of Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s “buddies”! That’s why these elections have mutated into personal battles between the candidates and not political ones about policies to be followed.
The reader can now understand why the real protagonists of this election are Epstein and Puff Daddy. “Bodies” will fall over the “videos” with the “games” of the deviants …Terrifying videos that give “god-like” power to whoever holds them …”God-like” power that can “erase” anyone unwanted. Can someone imagine how much power one has when they can instantly “eliminate” whoever they desire —no matter how powerful that person is—? How much power does someone have who has a video of Clinton, for example, engaging with a child? …A video of Obama “seeing” Diddy from “below”? There isn’t a high-ranking figure in the US who isn’t in these videos. We are talking about terrifying things, which even the most daring imagination can’t describe.
Unfortunately for the Democrats, they can only remain in power through games of division and fraud, because their traitorous role is visible to everyone. They have destroyed the US, and the American people can see it …They can see it in the thousands of homeless tents on the streets …They can see it in the millions of illegal immigrants wandering the streets …They can see it in the thousands of drug-addicted “zombies” standing like “statues” on the sidewalks of the big cities …They can see it with the deviant transvestites entering their children’s schools. All these are results of the policies of the MARXIST Democratic Party. All these traitors are giving it “their all” to stay in power!
For this reason, they engage in propaganda and deceitful tactics that divide the American people to the point of civil conflict. They “demonize” their opponents, leading some to wish for their biological extermination. They equate their opponents with Hitler and the Nazis to the extent that some voters tolerate attempts to manipulate the election results. They terrify people into accepting the participation of ILLEGAL immigrants in the elections, individuals who have only spent a few hours in the country.
In their desperation to influence the American public, they exhaust all means at their disposal. They’ve unleashed all the big names from the parties of the perverts, trying to convince the public to support them …DiCaprio, Beyoncé, Springsteen, Oprah, and the bad “meeting” rest are out in full force to back the MARXIST Kamala. The entire U.S. “star system” has flooded TikTok with messages of support for Kamala. Why? Because they believe in her or because they hope in her? Has she convinced them with her political rhetoric, or has she assured them that the lists and videos won’t leak?
Until the elections, we will witness extraordinary things, even dangerous ones! We consider it a given that Trump is in danger! …He was, is, and will continue to be in danger, even if he is elected President of the United States! The scenario of his assassination is the most likely, but after their terrible failures, it has become much more difficult to set this plan in motion, as the security services were forced to take real and serious safety measures. However, since time is running out and the polls are far from favorable for the Democrats, we must consider the most incredible scenarios for them to remain in power until they “settle” the issues and people.
Since we are talking about ruthless people, who are undeterred by any crime —no matter how great— we must think of everything, even the most imaginative scenarios. It wouldn’t be impossible for them to resort to the “Ukrainian method” if they see themselves losing the election, a method that allowed Zelensky to extend his term beyond its legal duration at will. What do they need to do this? …A military law, an urgent national need, or a significant and pressing national threat that doesn’t allow for “hesitation” in leadership change …A war, for example.
If the Zionists want a war that directly involves the U.S., can’t they achieve it? The “fuse” in the Middle East is always burning! Can’t the Zionist Bibi serve his Zionist “protectors” who allow him to spill human blood by the ton? Just days before the elections, he could attack Iran, and due to its response, American soldiers could be killed, giving the U.S. a pretext to declare war against it …They could even assassinate the “Alzheimer’s patient” in the White House, blaming Iran —similar to the attempt on Trump— and have Kamala as Vice President take over under emergency conditions and thus in a state of instability.
Given the current developments, it’s more likely they’ll kill Biden than Trump …With Biden’s assassination —which no one would miss— they solve all their problems. The assassination of a sitting president on the eve of elections, with an open war front, fully justifies imposing martial law. Under such a national “alert”, Trump could be “jailed” with false evidence of treason amid the lack of transparency imposed by military law. They already have charges ready against him for treasonous collaboration with Putin and China. They’ll threaten to “erase” him to prevent him from ever running again, and normalcy will return with their two parties intact. The next time they allow elections, the Obama-Clinton party will “compete” against the Bush-Cheney party! …Their own “businesses” at war! …Business as usual!
Who can rule out the possibility that they kept Kamala Harris as Vice President precisely for this reason? To have the legal option of replacing the President with the Vice President, securing a “continuation” of power …always having the possibility of staying in power with the excuse of constitutional procedures designed for emergencies or the assassination of a President. There’s no better pretext for a deep state that wants to impose martial law due to the assassination of the head of state …as there’s a need for such a pretext, especially for the U.S., where a war on the other side of the planet isn’t a sufficient excuse given that it’s a common occurrence. The “Lincoln or Kennedy card” is far better than an uncertain electoral battle. In such a case, Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s files —for reasons of national security— would go into the same drawers as the files on Kennedy’s assassination, accessible only to the U.S. blackmailers —whether in Washington or Tel Aviv—!
All these strange and “far-fetched” things could happen in just a few days. Who among those now facing complete destruction would hesitate to set such a plan in motion—which may already be underway—? Is it possible for these beasts to have moral or other inhibitions! When they aren’t abusing children —like Epstein— they are burning them like Fink or killing them, like Netanyahu! What could stop them? …Trump’s “right”? …Their “love” for democracy and culture? If they need to commit crimes to stay in power, they won’t hesitate for a moment! If they impose martial law and manage to remove him from the “scene” that way, they’ll do it without a second thought. They are already hunting him down with all state means without respecting any law, so why would they have a problem in a state of disorder?
Obviously, the American people are currently facing a national security problem and are at risk of total destruction since their leadership serves foreign interests. When their leadership is involved in schemes that are beyond today’s American national interests, certain things are obvious! It is practically impossible that these pieces of information, which are “exchanged” between the FBI and Mossad, are not also in the hands of modern Russia’s KGB or China’s intelligence services. The entire U.S. political “elite” must be blackmailed by all the interested parties both inside and outside the country! …And it just doesn’t seem like a problem today, simply because ALL the interested parties are submissive and not reacting. All of them are MARXISTS, and all of them share the same worldview and common interests. Biden and Kamala are MARXISTS, but so are Putin and Xi Jinping. The New World Order project with the “pillar” of the Marxist BRICS bloc undoubtedly has the blessings of Wall Street Zionists.
Panagiotis Traianou
Σύμφωνα με όσα γράφει ,θα έχουμε ανατροπή σχεδιου. Η Ο Μπάιντεν ο δολοφονημένος, η μπερδέματα για να δημιουργήσουν κατάσταση "εκτακτου" ανάγκης και να μην κάνουν τίς εκλογές! Καί σήμερα διαβάζουμε "ΣΕΙΣΜΟΣ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΣΚΗΝΗ: ΕΚΤΕΛΕΣΗ ΙΡΑΝΟΓΕΡΜΑΝΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΙΣΤΗ ΓΙΑ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΟΠΕΙΑ ΥΠΕΡ ΙΣΡΑΗΛ ΚΑΙ ΗΠΑ – ΟΡΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΙΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ ΣΕ ΟΛΟ ΤΟΝ ΚΟΣΜΟ". θα διασκεδάσουμε άν μη τι άλλο τό επόμενο διάστημα..