peri majestic the real

Δευτέρα 24 Μαρτίου 2025

"Υπηρέτης του Λαού" Κβαρτάλ 95. Τα γράφαμε πριν 1 χρόνο... Ο "Υπηρέτης του Λαού" ΔΕΝ χρειάζεται κόμμα για την "λαϊκή Εξουσία"...Που ποντάρει όλη αυτή η κλίκα; Στο χαμηλό επίπεδο του λαού...

Η Jessica Aber βρέθηκε νεκρή πριν λίγες ώρες στο σπίτι της στην Βιρτζίνια. Υπηρέτησε ως εισαγγελέας των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών για την Ανατολική Περιφέρεια της Βιρτζίνια από το 2021 έως το 2025. Είχε κάνει έρευνα για εγκλήματα πολέμου στην Ουκρανία-ξέπλυμα βρώμικου χρήματος. Επίσης, ερευνούσε την διείσδυση του Ισραήλ στην C.I.A. Former U.S. attorney found dead in Virginia home

Τι γράφαμε στις 17 Μαρτίου; ΟΛΑ γίνονται για την Γερμανία...για να αποδεχθούν την επιστροφή χιλιάδων λάθρο από την Γερμανία...Ρημάζουν την χώρα για χάρη της Γερμανίας παριστάνοντας τους πατριώτες...

Κυριακή 23 Μαρτίου 2025

Crash Test for the “Leaders of the Planet”!

 Trump orders JFK, RFK, MLK assassination files declassified: 'Everything will be revealed' - OSV News

Can the U.S. withstand the opening of the “file” on JFK’s assassination?

How is this “file” connected to the cases of Epstein, Puff Daddy, and even the USS Liberty?

Why are the Jews—and Israel itself—at risk of destruction if the U.S. “closet” full of “skeletons” is opened?

Donaueschingen is a small German town in the Alps, whose existence is known to only a few Europeans. Yet, from this little town begins something truly immense—something that concerns nearly ALL Europeans! One of Europe’s most vital “arteries” originates here—an “artery” on which the lives of millions of people directly depend, and, indirectly, the well-being of the entire Europe! This is where the mighty Danube begins—one of the largest rivers in Europe. A river upon which the industrial development of the vast region it traverses has been built. And yet, this “giant”, which influences the life and functioning of an entire continent, has its origins in a “humble” and almost “unknown” source…

Πηγή Δούναβη στοκ εικόνες. εικόνα από - 98371944 What does this geographical “tour” have to do with our topic? …A lot! …A whole lot! The current global success of the Jews—who dominate the United States and, through it, the entire world—was not the result of random circumstances or exceptional abilities! The vast economic wealth and equally immense political power concentrated in the hands of such an insignificant ethnic group is NOT natural! This enormous power, which today can influence the functioning of humanity as a whole, did not appear as if by magic! …It started somewhere! So, if today we see the Jewish “Danube” of wealth and power “drowning” nations and destroying their economies, what we will attempt in this text is to go against its “flow” and reach its own “source” …The root cause of this unprecedented global phenomenon …To identify the “Donaueschingen” of Jewish success and the “birthplace” of the “river” of countless billions they “carry” with them.

Going “back” in time, it is easy to pinpoint the moment when all the “peculiar” phenomena concerning the Jews began to appear—specifically, the Jews of the United States, since they are the ones of interest to us, as they influence global politics. Looking into the past, we can easily identify the period when certain “anomalies” regarding them emerged. Up until the 1950s, Jews were not considered anything exceptional—they were just another ethnic minority among the many that made up the social “mosaic” of the United States. In fact, they were a minority that was not particularly successful economically.

Murder of the Jews of Western Europe The Jews of that time were insignificant and even detested by their fellow “cohabitants”. They remained the familiar Jews, known to Christians for centuries. Entirely similar to today’s Gypsies, they always lived close to one another, turning their neighborhoods into filthy ghettos. These ghettos were dirty and dangerous, with crime surging to a degree that distinguished them from other areas. They were places where prostitution, usury, and gambling were part of daily life. The Jews lived in the United States without respect, isolated, miserable, and unclean, always lingering on the “fringes” of both society and legality.

Family Looking hotsell At House For centuries, the Jews did in Christian societies exactly what they did in the United States at that time. This insignificant and extremely “degenerate” social group had little influence on the broader social structure of the U.S., which was experiencing a “golden” era—the best period in its history! At that time, American society was full of vigor, confidence, and health—a society that provided everything for its workers. Well-paid jobs granted them significant purchasing power and a high quality of life. They had easy access to both the healthcare and education systems. If the average Ame­rican fell ill, they had access to the most advanced healthcare system in the world. If their child had intellectual capabilities or other talents, they would not be “lost”, because a meritocratic education system ensured easy scholarships to the country’s most prestigious colleges.

Their entire life was easy and carefree. Within three years, a worker could become a homeowner! A family of simple laborers could own a car at a time when, in the rest of the world, automobiles were the ultimate luxury of the rich. The “Am­erican Dream” was real, and Ame­ricans were living it. This was a society where everything seemed to come easily and smoothly—one that had no reason to develop wild instincts. It was a society so innocent it bordered on naivety …A society that did not fear walking the streets late at night …A society that did not hesitate to let its children play freely outside …A society that was often “shocked” by whatever arrived at its doorstep from the Old World …A society of devout Christians who genuinely felt “grateful” for their “good fortune” and celebrated Thanksgiving as their most  important national holiday—because they truly believed they were ”blessed”.

The cities of the 1950s : r/1950somethingAmericans saw “God bless America” around them every day, as most of them were once the poor masses from all over the world who had immigrated to the United States in search of a better life, believing in the “American Dream”. Even the country’s underclass remained at a relatively low level of criminal activity …They were still preoccupied with Prohibition—an issue that concerned no other part of the Christian world. The criminals of the United States were still hauling barrels of whiskey and playing a game of “cops and robbers” in very specific metropolitan centers of this vast country. That was the highest level of crime in the U.S.! Prostitution, gambling, theft, and burglary occurred at very low levels—far lower than in Europe and other Western countries. The explanation for this phenomenon is simple: An American had no reason to steal, because they lacked nothing! There was no reason for an American to turn to gambling, because with honest work alone, they could achieve their goals!

Americans had no reason to engage in criminal behavior because their economy generously provided them with everything they desired. The “springs” of poverty that existed in other countries —those that drive what is known as “petty crime”— were much weaker in the United States! However, as it would later become evident, things were not so simple. This well-meaning yet “healthy” society was walking unwittingly and completely unsuspectingly toward its own “death”! …It was “infected” and didn’t know it! …It could not comprehend that it already carried within it the “virus” that, at any moment, could “sicken” it! …A dangerous “virus” that was simply waiting for its opportunity to grow …A “virus” that was already operating in the background, but Americans simply did NOT “see” it—because, up until that moment, it had not yet shown “symptoms”, and therefore, they were unaware of the danger!

The “Virus” That Sickened the U.S.


The degenerate Jews, who had arrived in “waves” from Europe, had already begun establishing communities in the major cities of the United States, functioning like “abscesses” …”Abscesses” that gradually accumulated “pus”, which would eventually threaten the entire country with a widespread “infection”! New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles had already begun to develop the same pathology as Warsaw and Prague. Their streets were filling with newcomers in their “peculiar” clothing. Europe had “infected” the U.S. with the same “disease” that had plagued it for centuries! It had quite literally “unloaded” onto America a significant portion of its underworld! …The worst elements of Europe were arriving in waves, rubbing their hands together as they took advantage of the “lax” conditions that did not exist in the environments they had come from.

A census question poses a dilemma for American Jews | The Pittsburgh Jewish  Chronicle

The United States had become the true “Promised Land” for vile and criminal Jews! All these “degenerate” and experienced figures from the ghettos and the underworld, as soon as they arrived in the U.S., put their collective “capital” to work …They engaged once again in their well-known “crafts” …Prostitution, usury, and extortion, which arose due to the “bad” habits of certain “respectable” citizens …Pimping and blackmail were their specialties! They quickly formed ties with the local underworld and, consequently, with the Mafia. They realized that the “reckless kids” with guns and whiskey barrels would soon need their services. They saw that there were demands in the “services” of illegality, which happened to be their area of “expertise”. They were the ones who would supply prostitutes to the parties of Prohibition-era criminals. They were the ones who would bring prostitutes to the “dens” where mischievous Americans gathered to drink. They were the ones who would lend them money when they were “broke”, because the dolce vita comes with high expenses. They would “assist” them in all their illegal desires and, afterward, would have no problem blackmailing them! …Business as usual!!!

All of this was easy for the Jews because, quite simply, they had repeated it countless times throughout their history. This is how they navigated through centuries of collective disgrace. They were always ready to serve criminals whenever those criminals wanted to spend their abundant illegal wealth—money that was usually seeking “returns” through prostitution and debauchery. No matter what condition the Jews were in, they always had the “capital” to make it happen. They were the ones who —being “self-made”— if they lacked the “merchandise”, had no problem starting the “party” with their own sisters and wives! …Pimping and blackmail are almost synonymous for the Jews! …Their national “capital”, since they could always exploit it through their own prostitution!

It was not, then, a strange phenomenon for a Jewish criminal to let you “enjoy” his wife and then blackmail you by exposing it to your own wife! …It’s not strange to be Donald Trump’s in-law and, before Trump appoints you as the U.S. Ambassador to Paris, to be in prison for blackmailing relatives and associates with prostitutes and pornographic videos! All of this —things that to the average Christian seem like imaginative plots from a movie— are simply part of the “successful” daily life of even the most “successful” Jews. Whatever appears extreme or immoral to EVERYONE else —of ALL religions— is simply part of everyday life for Jews! …One of the secret “foundations” of their family “success”! …The absolute definition of “unfair competition” in everything they do!

Jews can do anything because, quite simply, they have NO moral restraint in their pursuit of profit! …Any kind of profit. This lack of moral “burden” and “filters” makes them unbeatable in society. Can a woman compete for a promotion against her “rival”, who sleeps with her superiors? Can a businessman compete with a merchant who, along with selling a car, lets you grope his wife? All of this falls within what we call the “pursuit of ‘success’ without limits or hesitation”! This “relaxed” sense of morality makes them unstoppable. They utterly despise people —including their own loved ones— and, after doing whatever it takes to “succeed”, they return like beasts to “punish” them!

They “injure themselves” to achieve their goal, and then they believe they are justified in seeking revenge because they are “wounded”! Their complexes force them to do whatever it takes to “succeed” —even through unfair competition— and when they do “succeed”, they continue to hold the same complexes because they simply know exactly how they “succeeded”! Why do these points matter in a text that discusses the functioning of today’s Superpower? …Because their expertise in prostitution and blackmail was bound to threaten the overall social structure of the United States if they found a weak spot in the broader power structure—which is exactly what happened! …They could “infect” the entire society if they were able to blackmail its “leaders”, who influence its general operation. With prostitutes, you can get close to any influential figure you are interested in, no matter how high up they are. Even the President of the United States himself.

Kosher Nostra: The Jewish Mafia - Event - Adath Israel Congregation From the moment you can blackmail men with their vices, you can blackmail anyone, regardless of their position. When you are a blackmailer, your “dream” is to blackmail the highest-ranking figure in the society where you operate …To get a grip on the most powerful authority figure—and in the United States, that was their President! They would secure unimaginable profits if they managed to get such a figure under their control. So, what does this mean? …It means that since we already know the time period in which these “strange” events took place, we can identify who would have been their ultimate target, based on their “specialty” …We found someone who had the power to change their “fate” on a collective level …We found where their “Danube” of influence might originate from—meaning the mysterious “Donaueschingen”. It’s obvious that at that time, they were interested in the Kennedys …and they had set their sights on them! It’s no coincidence that the “tool” of Jewish blackmail in the case of the Kennedys was the Jewish Marilyn Monroe! It’s no coincidence that decades later, Clinton became their “hostage” through the threat of the Jewish Lewinsky! It’s no coincidence that Epstein was Jewish!

Κομπλεξικοί...προκλητικοί, οπισθοδρομικοί, άρρωστοι και χωρίς ΚΑΝΕΝΑ πραγματικό όραμα για τον τόπο. Τι θέλει να μας πει; Γωνία μαγαζί ο βενιζελισμός. Δίνει δουλειές και φτιάχνει καριέρες!


Λογικό δεν είναι; Ποιος ασχολείται; Η χώρα είναι έρημος..

 Η ελληνική ομογένεια της Γερμανίας, η αναφορά του Μητσοτάκη και το τρίγωνο  Αθήνα - Βερολίνο - Άγκυρα - ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ

Θα χαθεί η Γροιλανδία για τους Δανούς. Είναι θέμα χρόνου. Υπεύθυνη θα είναι η Μέτε Φρεντέρικσεν που βλέπει πόλεμο με την Ρωσία...και αισθάνεται άνετα με τον επανεξοπλισμό της Γερμανίας!


Σάββατο 22 Μαρτίου 2025

Δεν περιλαμβάνονται συνταρακτικές αποκαλύψεις ...Αρκετά από τα έγγραφα είναι θολά και δύσκολο να διαβαστούν . Μαρτυρίες, αρκετή Κούβα και Σοβιετική Ένωση. Τίποτα το φοβερό!



Στην ιστοσελίδα του U.S. National Archives and Records Administration αναρτήθηκαν σελίδες από έγγραφα σχετικά με την δολοφονία το 1963 του τότε προέδρου των ΗΠΑ, Τζον Φιτζέραλντ Κένεντι, με απόφαση του Τραμπ. Με μια πρώτη ματιά υπάρχει γενικό μπάχαλο. Ενδιαφέρον έχει ένα ντοκουμέντο που αναφέρεται στον Εβραίο Κον Μπεντίτ τον οποίο η CIA γνώριζε από το 1967. Ένα χρόνο πριν τον Μάη του 1968. Καλή και η μαρτυρία του Gary Taylor για τον Όσβαλντ. Κούβα, Κάστρο, Χιλή ( Η CIA ΒΡΊΣΚΕΤΑΙ ΠΊΣΩ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΠΡΑΞΙΚΟΠΗΜΑ ΤΟΥ Αλιέντε) Παρίσι, Σοβιετική Ένωση, μυστικές λίστες, χαφιέδες αλλά από Κένεντι και Τέξας λίγα πράγματα. Στα αρνητικά η περίεργη αγιογραφία που γίνεται στον Λύντον Τζόνσον. Ο "αθώος" Λύντον σχετικά με τον πόλεμο του Βιετνάμ. Τα περισσότερα έγγραφα έχουν αποχαρακτηριστεί ως Secret από το μακρινό 1992. 

Tι συμβαίνει; Ο Τραμπ έκανε πίσω. Τα σπουδαία έγγραφα παραμένουν στο σκοτάδι. Δεν υπάρχει πρόθεση να δημοσιευτούν προς το παρόν. Η ομερτά υπερισχύει όλων.