Νομίζει ο κ. Μητσοτάκης ότι τρώμε όλοι κουτόχορτο;
Πόσο υποτιμάει τη νοημοσύνη μας;
Με πόση ευκολία μας απαξιώνει όλους μας
Η απάντηση είναι ΝΑΙ όταν με χάρισμα Προφήτη, αλλά και με ύφος 40 καρδιναλίων, για άλλη μια φορά σήμερα λέει:
όμως, επιβεβαιωθεί η γνησιότητά των βίντεο, τότε όλο το σενάριο περί
«παράνομου φορτίου» -άρα και τα τελευταία επιχειρήματα περί
«συγκάλυψης»- καταρρίπτεται με κρότο.»
Έχει εκλείψει τόσο πολύ το
φιλότιμο και το ήθος, που ο κ. Μητσοτάκης ούτε καν περιμένει τα
αποτελέσματα για τα video που βρέθηκαν στον κάδο σκουπιδιών ενός
αγνώστου pc.
Ναι στον ΚΑΔΟ ΣΚΟΥΠΙΔΙΩΝ !, εκεί που πραγματικά ανήκουν.
Μα γιατί να τα περιμένει;
Αφού τα έχει προβλέψει!
Και αυτά και την κατάρριψη της συγκάλυψης με κρότο!
Εδώ με χάρισμα ενόρασης ο ταλαντούχος Πρωθυπουργός μας προείδε τα ίδια τα μελλοντικά video, στη συνέντευξη του στον κ. Σροιτερ!
Στα αποτελέσματα για τη γνησιότητα τους τώρα θα κολλήσουμε
γιατί κ. Μητσοτάκη, ολόκληρος Πρωθυπουργός, ασχολείστε με τα fake video
που βρέθηκαν στον κάδο σκουπιδιών, και δεν κινείτε γη και ουρανό για να
βρεθούν τα εξαφανισμένα αληθινά αρχεία ήχου και εικόνας που
κατασχέθηκαν άμεσα τις πρώτες μέρες από τη Διεύθυνση Εγκληματολογικών
ΣΤΙΣ 28.02 και στις 01.03;
Γιατί δεν εξηγείτε στο ελληνικό λαό,
αφού όλα τα γνωρίζετε, που έχουν θαφτεί αυτά τα video και τα ηχητικά των
δυο κομβικών ημερών; της 28.02.2023 και της 01.03.3023;
σιωπάτε κ. Πρωθυπουργέ για αυτά τα κρίσιμα στοιχεία και ρίχνετε στάχτη
στα μάτια των Ελλήνων με τα στημένα video του κάδου σκουπιδιών?
ανάκριση έχει στα χέρια της το χρυσάφι! Αλλά το κρατάει θαμμένο,
εξαφανισμένο, για να μας πετάξετε εσείς στα μούτρα τα σκουπίδια του
κάδου ανακύκλωσης;
λοιπόν δεν είμαστε τόσο χαζοί όσο νομίζετε κ. Μητσοτακη. Οι Έλληνες
έχουν πνεύμα και αντίληψη και αυτό δεν θα τους το στερήσετε ποτέ.
πείτε μας λοιπόν, ΠΩΣ ΕΞΗΓΟΥΝ τα ετεροχρονισμένα video σας, που ΤΟ ΜΟΝΟ
που δείχνουν ειναι μια αμαξοστοιχία με κλειστά άγνωστα φορτία να
ΧΗΜΙΚΩΝ που έκαψαν ζωντανά τα παιδιά μας;
Ναι! την τεράστια
Πυρόσφαιρα και τις Εκρήξεις που είδε όλη η Ελλάδα με τα μάτια της, τις
οποίες οι διορισμένοι «βοηθοί» του Ανακριτή δεν μπορούν δήθεν να τις
εξηγήσουν -ώστε να υπάρχουν οι νομικά χρήσιμες αμφιβολίες- και οι οποίες
θα ακολουθούν ΟΛΟΥΣ ΣΑΣ ΓΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ!
Και θα γυρίζουν πάνω σας όλα
μας, δείχνοντας μας ΠΟΣΟ ΠΟΛΥ ΔΕΝ ΜΑΣ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΖΕΤΕ!
Θα καταλάβετε όμως σύντομα κ. Μητσοτάκη ότι τον ελληνικό λαό και θα τον σέβεστε και θα τον υπολογίζετε!
Προσέξτε τις παγίδες.Ευρώπη δεν ειναι η Φον ντε Λαίερ, ούτε ο Μακρόν δέν
είναι Ευρώπη ,ούτε ο Σολτς είναι η Ευρώπη... Ούτε ο Πούτιν είναι η
Ρωσία,ούτε ο Ζελένσκυ είναι η Ουκρανία..Στόχος τους είναι η Ευρώπη..η
Ουκρανία η Ρωσία,όλος ο πλανήτης είναι ο ΣΤΟΧΟΣ ΤΟΥΣ,,που θέλουν να
κυριαρχίσουν πάνω σε αυτόν. ..ΠΑΝΩ ΣΤΟΥΣ ΛΑΟΥΣ.!! ΚΟΛΠΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΥΤΟ ΓΙΑ
Κανένας Βανς,δεν είναι ο "σερίφης' ο
Τιμωρός του "κακού' συστήματος γιατί είναι ΟΛΟΙ ΣΤΟ ΙΔΙΟ ΤΟ
How did we go from “America First” to “Only Israel” in just a few days?
In the end, whom did the Americans vote for as President of the USA?
Seeing the policy that Trump is following in the first days of his second term, one cannot help but wonder …Who is really governing the USA? …Trump or Netanyahu himself, pretending to be Trump? We
are talking about an Ovidian transformation! There is no other
explanation. In the few days since his inauguration, he has achieved
—because it is truly an achievement— to disappoint everyone with his
decisions …Even his most loyal and fanatic supporters. Millions of
people who, in recent years, lived with the hope of “Make America Great
Again” feel betrayed. They are left holding the hats that once made them
feel proud when wearing them, believing they were sending a “message”
to the entire world. The only ones who should be happy are the Jews of
AIPAC, who finance the entire political personnel of the USA, and of
course, the wanted criminals of Tel Aviv.
may be waiting to become Great again, but in reality, it is Israel
that, through Trump, hopes to become Great for the first time! There is
no other explanation for what is happening. It is as if one is seeing
“reflections”! After all, we live in the era of AI, and nothing should
seem strange to us. It is as if the American citizens elected an
“avatar” of Netanyahu and not Trump! What we are saying is NOT extreme!
What would be the difference if, instead of Trump, there were an
“avatar” of Netanyahu? What more could Netanyahu do for himself and
Israel if he were the one sitting in the Oval Office of the White House?
The entirety of Trump’s policy has a protective character for
Netanyahu, and its dominant line is “Israel First”! Literally, he has
placed the entire economic power and military resources of the U.S.
superpower at the disposal of the “troublemaker” of the Middle East.
A more servile policy of one state towards another has likely never existed in history!
Not even Netanyahu himself would dare to act so directly,
provocatively, and blatantly in his own favor and that of Israel as
Trump has in the few days following his election victory. Not even
Netanyahu himself, if he had won those elections, would have given such a
swift Zionist “stamp” on his governance. Even for the sake of
appearances, he would have “hidden” something under the “rug” of
so-called patriotism. From the very inauguration ceremony, Trump made
sure to show what his agenda was and, of course, who his “masters” were.
At the most significant moment for American democracy, he brought in an
Israeli —a relative of an abductee— to deliver a speech in Hebrew,
showing everyone who the real masters of the USA are! At an “American”
ceremony, where most of the guests were Jews or employees of Jews, the
President of the USA was sending a “message” of faith and devotion to
A few days later, Netanyahu himself was “baptized” as a “democrat and
protector of civilization” in the “baptismal font” of the White House.
The most hated man on the planet —and wanted by the International Court
—entered the White House with pomp and fanfare! He was the first to be
invited to Washington so that the USA could offer him a “showcase” of
legitimacy at a time when the rest of the world is searching for him
under international arrest warrants! The images released to the public
were at the very least humiliating for the USA …The “bully” of the
global community appeared as Netanyahu’s “waiter”!…
who, within a few days, “tripled” the USA with the “conquests” of
Greenland, Canada, and Panama, appeared as Netanyahu’s “boy toy”! With
his behavior, he “justified” the butcher of Gaza! Among the many things
he signed during this time, he also granted “absolution” to the beast of
Tel Aviv. We are talking about incredible things, even on a symbolic
level. Trump accepted a gift from the murderer of Palestinian children—a
gift that constitutes HUBRIS against human civilization from the one
who accepted it and a CONFESSION OF CRIMINAL GUILT from the one who gave
it …The beast of Israel gifted Trump a golden pager! Not even mafia
members exchange such revealing gifts among themselves.
Even the hardest of mafiosi “dispose” of crime weapons at the bottom of
the sea to eliminate any connection to them. The emboldened Netanyahu
turned his own “weapon”, which incriminates him, into a golden “replica”
to offer it as a gift. We are talking about a true CONFESSION OF GUILT!
The story of the pagers that killed people and children and left
hundreds of people disabled constitutes a clear CRIME against humanity!
…A blind attack by one state against the people of another state in an
undeclared war. Until now, Israel officially denied its involvement in
this atrocity. Suddenly —and without any reason— the emboldened beast of
Israel made this unnecessary “display” of depravity …It showed that it
respects NOTHING and NO ONE and believed that Trump could help him
“whitewash” this crime by accepting the gift. It believed that, through
this gift, it would make him an accomplice to the crime in the eyes of
Within this “framework” of suspicious relationships, the
policy that the USA will follow towards Israel and all matters
concerning it was announced. Literally, Trump handed over “land and
water” to Israel! He “forgot” the “America First” slogan in record time
and went straight to “Only Israel”. Ignoring the reactions of patriotic
Americans who voted for him, he declared “blind faith” to Israel and its
interests! What followed was the natural consequence of these
commitments. He promised to continue the unlimited funding of murderous
Israel, despite the opposition of the American people and the outcry of
the international community. He assured Netanyahu that he would continue
to send the latest technology weapons, which he knowingly understood
would be used against civilians —despite Israel’s condemnation by
international courts for genocide and ethnic cleansing—!
At the
same time, he will try to assist Israel where its fascist rule cannot
reach to act repressively! …He will help it against all who fight it and
support the children of Palestine. He will try by all means to
“silence” all those within the “inferior” USA who took a stand in favor
of Palestine and against Israel while also terrorizing those who would
dare to do the same in the future. He will deport all foreign students
studying at American colleges who had the bright idea of supporting the
Palestinian children slaughtered by the Israelis! He will fire from the
close or broader public sector of the American state all employees who
publicly opposed Israel!
The worst thing Trump did to the state he governs is that he placed
upon it the full responsibility for the latest ethnic cleansing in
history! …The “scapegoat” of the greatest mass crime of our time was
suddenly handed over —via Trump— to the USA, while the profit remained
entirely with the Jewish usurers and magnates. The murderous Israel
moved to the background, while the predatory USA took center stage.
Suddenly, a people’s “Homeland” was turned into a “Plot with development
prospects” by the Americans, without any provision for the people who
“bled” at the hands of the Israelis! The now officially complicit Trump will make Netanyahu’s crime economically profitable! The “contractor” will give meaning to the “demolisher”
of the land. He will attempt to give practical meaning to Israel’s
military ethnic cleansing operation by pressuring neighboring Arab
states, to the extent of “Threat & Violence”, to accept the
Palestinians who have been “uprooted” from their land!
He has
already begun implementing this blatantly unjust policy against the
Palestinians. He does not even respect appearances, sending as a
supposedly “neutral” mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian “conflict” the
Zionist Jewish billionaire Witkoff, who, by “coincidence”, specializes
in real estate. We are talking about street-level thuggery. He is using
the political and military power of the USA to serve Israel’s interests,
which committed crimes before the “eyes” of all humanity! This is
nothing but the bullying of armed “enforcers”! That’s what it is! He
turned the U.S. state into Israel’s “enforcer” and sent to the
now-flattened Palestine a Jewish “lawyer” to conduct extortionate
mediation. He acts in the SAME ruthless way as the Jewish “developers”
of Casinos and hotels, who drove citizens out of their properties …Who
paid murderers and enforcers to terrorize citizens into abandoning their
properties …Who sent their lawyers to offer them a few “crumbs” of
compensation so they wouldn’t have legal claims…
the great Jewish hotels of the USA were set up in Atlantic City, and
the same method is being followed in Gaza, which some aspire to turn
into a “Mediterranean City”! Successful methods do not change, and Trump
knows this firsthand. That is why, in the case of Gaza, he has this
harsh mafia-like behavior towards everyone! …The behavior of an armed
“thug”! …He will send the residents of Gaza wherever it suits him, and
he accepts no objections! …”They will do it”,
he said, and considered the matter almost settled! In the case of
Gaza, he is not speaking as the leader of a state but as a ruthless real
estate businessman! Simply, through a political issue, he revealed his
true face when doing business. This is how he conducted business in real
estate, and in the same way, he approached Gaza. He destroyed dozens of
small landowners and businesses to build the “Taj Mahal” in Atlantic
City, and he wants to repeat the same in Gaza.
…”It belongs to us”, he said.
“It is a place where previous homes have been demolished, and along
with them, their owners have also been destroyed. It is a wonderful
investment opportunity”! He does NOT care who carried out
the arbitrary and criminal “demolitions”! He does NOT care who sent the
“bulldozers” to turn it into a “demolition area”! He does NOT even care
if the one who did all this is standing openly next to him! …What
interests him is that the “plot” gets “evacuated”! …And he wants this to
happen quickly before people return and the situation changes with
refugee “tents” and “shelters”! …He turned international politics into
“business”! …He turned the homeland of some tormented people into a
“plot” with prospects! …A Family Business, to be exact, since his
son-in-law is also involved in this job! …A son-in-law who has
“prophetic” abilities, as long before the criminal intervention in Gaza,
he was already expressing his opinion on the future “development” of
the area—without the presence of the Palestinians.
Now, Trump —who just a few days ago won the elections, promising to
make America great again— is exclusively dealing with these businesses!
…The joint businesses with Israel and Netanyahu! …The family
businesses—since his son-in-law’s teams are waiting to get to work to
clear the “area of demolished ruins”! He is interested in NOTHING ELSE!
…He does NOT care that, due to his own mistakes, Americans will
literally go hungry! …He does NOT care that, due to his haphazard
anti-immigration policies, there is no longer a labor force to harvest
American agricultural products, which will soon make the market
unaffordable for ordinary Americans! …He does NOT care that, due to his
policies, even “Coca-Cola” has come into conflict with its employees and
is now at risk of becoming the next “Bud Light” of bankruptcy! …He does
NOT even care how much eggs cost in the market! …The only thing that
interests him is the “plot” in Gaza and its prospects!
this reason, he called the King of Jordan for a “discussion”. That is,
the President of the Superpower, with enormous internal problems,
began his international contacts with the criminal Netanyahu —who had
the “demolition crew”— and the second official meeting on his schedule
was with the neighboring “landowner” …The one who will be called upon to
“host” the victims of these demolitions forever! It is obvious that he
invited the King of Jordan to Washington to bully him! Trump, like a
true mafioso, called him in to directly threaten him that if he does not
comply, he will share the fate of Assad or Gaddafi! …A pathetic king
who —under a regime of panic and terror— appeared before the cameras
with uncontrollable nervous “tics”! …A humiliated king in front of the
eyes of his heir son! Under this raw threat from a street thug, Abdullah
invoked the President of Egypt for a more collective “defense” against
this incredible bullying…
…A full-fledged mafia-style bullying, as
now —completely indifferent to global outrage— Trump appears even worse
than he did in his initial press conference with Netanyahu!!! Now he
does not even want to “buy” Gaza. He does not even want to enter the
negotiation of compensations for the relocation of refugees …He simply
considers Gaza as already his and assumes that some people, through
coercion and threats, will “host” its displaced residents at their own
expense! …He has already gifted Gaza to his son-in-law to “play” with!
He has already distributed “Mediterranean” inheritances to his
grandchildren. Within this framework of interests, he is now pressuring
the Arab leaders of the region to “host” the Palestinians!
We are
talking about an incredibly risky policy against the interests of the
USA. This is why we speak of Israel’s and his family’s interests as the
highest priority at the expense of American interests! Why is there such
a huge risk? …Because all these Arab “leaders” —whom he is pressuring—
are actually American puppets and traitors of the Arab world! As
President of the USA, you protect them, and you do not threaten
them—especially not publicly. You beautify their image, not humiliate
them before the global community. You make them appear as “heroes”, not
as informants. They serve American imperialist policy, but their limits
are not unlimited! Now, the “rabid” profit-hungry contractor Trump is
“exposing” them to a new situation that could overthrow them at any
That is the risk. Leaders who are already on the edge of
the “razor” are now being “pushed” by this “thug” into a retreat that
neither the Arab world nor the rest of humanity will tolerate! However,
without these “royal” traitors of the Arab world, the USA has no
foothold in the region! These treacherous regimes are the protectors of
Israel itself in the region. These regimes —remnants of British
colonialism— allow the Israelis to massacre Palestinian children with
impunity. With tons of Palestinian blood, Abdullah’s wife became a
celebrity in Prada’s “philanthropy”. These “pillars” must be protected,
not hacked apart! …You do not saw off the branch you are sitting on!
Trump stormed in like a raging bull into a hyper-sensitive “powder keg”,
where even sneezing is forbidden.
Netanyahu “baptized” this
arbitrariness and criminal behavior as a “fresh idea”! …The same
criminal Netanyahu, who publicly “admired” Trump for his “innovative”
ideas regarding Gaza …He “admired” him for “elevating” the handling of
the issue to the highest level! …He “took it to the next level”! …And if
someone thought that this was the worst he could do, they would be
stunned by what followed. Trump even outdid himself! Wanting to relieve
his criminal “partner” from the stress of criminal charges and
international arrest warrants issued against him, he turned directly
against those issuing them!!! In an incredible display of ignorance and
arrogance, he “attacked” the International Criminal Court in The Hague
…He “attacked” yet another tool absolutely essential to the function of
American imperialism!
Now, that was stupidity! ALL US Presidents passionately supported the
International Criminal Court to be able to “prosecute” their enemies
while securing immunity for themselves! …Heads, they win—tails, they
also win! They had a very powerful “tool” to threaten ALL foreign
leaders, which, however, had no jurisdiction over them! ANYONE could be
accused by US leadership of “crimes against humanity”, but NO ONE could
accuse them of similar crimes! …Milosevic was dragged into prisons, but
not Clinton, who bombed Serbia! …Karadzic was hiding in caves because
he was pursued by international warrants for crimes against minorities,
but not Zelensky, who executed US policy! With his incompetence and
arrogance, Trump even put this incredibly valuable “tool” for safe US
imperialism into question!
That is why we speak of ignorance and
incompetence. Just as it pressures the leaderships of the Middle East
region pointlessly —leaderships that barely survive due to their great
betrayals— it similarly pressures an international body, which is barely
tolerated due to its accommodating stance towards American leadership!
It pressures something very “fragile”, which, if it “breaks”, its “loss”
exclusively threatens the United States! Just as if the fascist Arab
regimes of the Middle East collapse, only the “democratic” United States
is threatened, so too, if the institution of the International Court
“collapses”, only the American leaderships —which today are abusively
exempted from its jurisdiction— are threatened! We are clearly talking
about “suicidal” policies. At this moment, Trump is threatening
everything that supports the core “nucleus” of American imperialism, all
to serve Israel and Netanyahu!
Isn’t this exactly what a “avatar”
of Netanyahu would do if, for any reason, he “hijacked” the White
House??? …And yet! …With Trump in power, such a “hijacking” wasn’t even
necessary! …The obedient Trump did EVERYTHING! Of course, this should
not surprise us. For those who know people and situations, this was not a
bolt from the blue …It was absolutely expected because, from the
beginning of his life, Trump was a man of the Jews! One
could even call him their “pawn” due to the immediate responsiveness
that characterizes him in defending their interests! The “game” he
played with the MAGA movement and his anti-communism was NOT accidental,
nor was it a result of his love for Democracy! …It was a “template”
given to him by specialists in the field—those who are Trump’s
His very mentor was the Jew Roy Cohn. A close associate of McCarthy …A
hardline Zionist, who was McCarthy’s “right-hand man” since he was the
chairman of the anti-communist council …A “favorite” of the homosexual
Hoover, who was blackmailed by Jewish mobsters like Meyer Lansky …A key
member of the Jewish gang that orchestrated the entire anti-communist
“game” in the U.S. and allowed the Jews to seize ALL the key positions
in the American state apparatus …The gang that started with the Jewish
mobster Lansky and, through the Jewish lawyer Cohn, “produced” state
policy, which was expressed by the Jew Syn and was communicated to the
public through the “journalist” Jew Sokolsky. This gang manipulated the
Americans with “anti-communism” and assassinated Kennedy.
This is
the same gang that introduced drugs into the U.S. and built the casinos
of Las Vegas and Atlantic City to “launder” the immense wealth they
gained from poisoning American society …The gang that funneled all the
“dirty” drug money into U.S. real estate …The gang that, to secure its
grip on power, set up the Jewish Epstein and Clive Davis networks, which
carried out ruthless blackmail against the entire U.S. political elite.
This was the hardline Zionist gang to which Trump’s “mentor” belonged!
…The Jewish “anti-communist” of Jewish communism …A vile criminal who
lost his law license because he tried to “swindle” the fortune of a
dying client. This was Trump’s “mentor”. He was the one who trained him
in his superficial “anti-Marxist” rhetoric, which captivates Americans
and brings in millions of votes while his sole aim is enrichment. He was
the one who taught him how to “clear out” properties he was interested
in “developing”!
Trump’s entire life is IDENTIFIED with the Jews AT ALL LEVELS!
…He even had particularly close ties with the Jew Epstein, and no one
knows exactly where those ties led! …Always close to them—at a price!
The Jews literally “made” him with “dirty” drug money, which was
“laundered” through gambling! …They gave him money to build hotels in
Atlantic City while they “laundered” drug money on their “roulette
tables”! Trump’s skyscrapers were built with profits from gambling,
drugs, and prostitution. The Jews consistently financed his major
financial failures—which were not few! Even today, they control him
completely inside the White House …The Jews entered it FIRST, and then
the elected Trump followed! …First the Jewish “overseers”, then Trump!
The White House Chief of Staff, Will Scharf, and his main political
advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller, are both Jewish
hardline Zionists! These are the “whisperers” who dictate his “line” on
all crucial issues concerning U.S. policy. They decide what “enters” and
what “exits” the White House.
They “supervise” him day and night,
and this has always been acceptable to him since he owes his “career”
to them. He literally “walks” on Jewish “crutches”. We are talking about
absolute identification, which he himself never misses an opportunity
to “advertise” because he is a well-known “flatterer”. The man who acts
“tough” towards weak Palestinians acts like a cute “kitten” towards the
Jews. He knows that “flattery” is a very good choice in seeking
“investors”, and he takes it to the limits of disgrace and servility!
Recently, at an event hosted by his AIPAC “bosses”, he declared that he
is proud of his daughter for “managing” to become Jewish! …For marrying a
“beautiful” Jew! …The same Jew who —as recently revealed— wants to do
“beautiful” things in Gaza! …”Beautiful” things that are purely Jewish,
as they are linked to “dirty” money, gambling, prostitution, human
blood, and, of course, real estate …”Shiny” and illuminated real
This “visionary” Jew —without ANY official government position or
security clearance— was taken along to high-level state meetings,
including with the Pope! …The same man who —without ANY qualifications—
was appointed as the U.S. diplomatic representative in the Middle East
during Trump’s first term! …A representative sent there to “find a
solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but who instead was
buying “beautiful” land plots in Gaza BEFORE the “kidnapping” of
Israelis! …A “solution” that his “admirer” father-in-law immediately
“embraced” and which involved “evacuating” Gaza of Palestinians.
“beautiful” and —apparently— with the corresponding pedigree, as he
comes from a “beautiful” lineage! …We must not forget that Trump’s last
act in his first term was to release from prison —via a presidential
pardon— the criminal father of his son-in-law! …The same criminal whom,
in the first act of his second term, he decided to appoint as U.S.
Ambassador to Paris! …The criminal who was imprisoned for the same
reasons that Kohn lost his law license! …For seizing another person’s
property! That’s the kind of “privileged” treatment we’re talking about
for the “pretty boy” who became his son-in-law! Only Mussolini with his
son-in-law Ciano —who at least had some formal qualifications for his
role and wasn’t just a simple Jewish dimwit from Manhattan— has
“outdone” him.
Now, the same Trump, who once “sold” the world
“peace”, is rushing to “close” all the Zionist “fronts” according to
their interests! Among them is the “front” in Ukraine …Where Jews
Blinken and Nuland, using the “clown” Jew Zelensky, provoked a war that
led to the greatest human slaughter of our century …A senseless
slaughter so that the Jew Fink of BlackRock could plunder Ukraine’s
mineral and other wealth. Now that there are hardly any living people
left in Ukraine, the “peace-loving” Trump is rushing to “settle” the
issue in a way that benefits the war profiteers who initiated it. Now he
“remembers” that the “aid” the U.S. provided to the “independence”
people was actually loans that must be repaid—with interest.
This is what it is about. He wants to profit from the death of a
million people killed by the Jewish warmongers. He wants to hand over to
Russia the part of Ukraine he conquered through war, but demands as
“compensation” the Ukrainian mineral wealth …Let the Jewish gang of Fink
keep what they have already mortgaged and lay their hands on what
“remains”! …The Ukrainians are left out of everything! …They won’t even
participate in the negotiations! The Ukrainians will be left with only
graves and the disabled. Everything will end up in the hands of those
who sent them to die in the swamps of the Dnieper. For this reason, he
appointed the Jew Whitkov as the head of the US negotiation team …The
same one who will “mediate” in Gaza as well. The American people have
already begun to starve, and the “America First” gentleman is struggling
across the length and breadth of the Planet to multiply the profits of
the Jews!
Trump, however, forgets one very basic thing! …No matter
how well you treat the Jews, if they find someone else who suits them
better, they will abandon you …They will “squeeze” you to get everything
you have to offer, and then they will “throw you away” like garbage. If
you don’t want to leave the “game” when they have a better option, they
will violently “expel” you themselves. You CANNOT be friends with
snakes! …Snakes DO NOT become “pets”! …They CANNOT be trained …At the
first opportunity, they will bite you! This is a “play” we have seen
before! The Jews were more comfortable with the “circle” of the
Democrats and the “Alzheimer’s”-Biden, and they did not want to take the
risk-Trump with all those “strange” people he dragged along with him.
For this reason, his “benefactors” turned into persecutors in an
instant! …Harsh persecutors, who could not only destroy him financially
but also eliminate him biologically!
For this reason, we refer to Trump’s “memory” …Trump apparently “forgot” the furious war waged against him by the Jewish “lobby” of the Democrats with the aim of imprisoning him! …He “forgot” that the Jew Garland did everything possible to lock him up …He “forgot” that the Jew Schiff
tried in every way to implicate him in a situation of national treason
and collaboration with Putin …He “forgot” that the Jew
Sommer was one of the protagonists of the Capitol provocation, which
deprived him of victory in the previous elections …He “forgot” how the Jew
Zuckerberg dared to “silence” him, even though he was the sitting
President of the United States at the time …He “forgot” that the Jew
Raskin threatened him by questioning his election victory, even
threatening civil war …He “forgot” that Biden —who declared himself a fanatical Zionist— was the one who left him unprotected to become a target of executioners. Really, where was his Jew “handsome” son-in-law when the Jews were playing “target practice” with his head in Pennsylvania? …Was he already in some Zionist office arranging “shares” of inheritance from his “deceased” father-in-law? …And he “FORGOT” this too?
However, whoever forgets their history so easily is certain to relive it. Now that Trump has “forgotten” the betrayal of the Jews,
he is ready to be betrayed by them again. This betrayal has already
begun, as their actions show that they will exploit him even to the
point of his destruction. Within a few days, they “exposed” him to the
point of “burning” him, with Netanyahu leading the charge. They will
send him everywhere to play the “enforcer-collector”, in order to reap
the profits from their conspiracies and machinations. Already,
Netanyahu, in order to save himself, has “tarnished” Trump’s “image” in
the global community! …He exposed him PREMEDITATEDLY! …It was a cunning
gift he gave him, because in essence, he “tarnished” him with a terrible
crime! …He made him an accomplice in a crime that already haunts
humanity! …Trump’s “credit” evaporated within a few days!!!
of people, who believed in him as an “opportunity” for humanity to
“rest” from the warmongering policies of Biden and the frenzied Zionists
like Blinken and Nuland, see that nothing will change. Trump has proven
to be just another mindless “puppet” in the hands of the “Zionists”!
…Worse than Biden! Within a few days, he “burned” his own legacy to
“save” Netanyahu! Now the entire Planet curses and condemns him, and his
term has not even begun in a grim global environment that will force
him to make very harsh decisions …An environment that will increasingly
threaten the parasitic Jews and force them to use Trump more and more
intensely …To use him until they exhaust him, and then they will
“discard” him like a squeezed “lemon”.
«Δεν πρέπει να φοβόμαστε τους λαούς μας, ακόμα κι όταν αυτοί εκφράζουν απόψεις αντίθετες με τις ηγεσίες τους»
.«Το να πιστεύουμε στη δημοκρατία σημαίνει να κατανοούμε ότι κάθε
πολίτης μας έχει σοφία και φωνή, και αν αρνηθούμε να ακούσουμε αυτή τη
φωνή, ακόμη και οι πιο επιτυχημένοι αγώνες μας θα εξασφαλίσουν πολύ
Ο αντιπρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ επικαλέστηκε τον Πάπα Ιωάννη Παύλο Β', «έναν από
τους πιο ασυνήθιστους υπερασπιστές της δημοκρατίας σε αυτήν την ήπειρο ή
οποιαδήποτε άλλη», στην ομιλία της ορκωμοσίας του το 1978: «Μη φοβάστε».
Ο Τζέι Ντι Βανς επέκρινε το κατεστημένο της ΕΕ για «αλαζονικές δηλώσεις» σχετικά με τη δημοκρατία, την κατανόηση των δικαιωμάτων
«Η απειλή για την οποία ανησυχώ περισσότερο απέναντι στην Ευρώπη δεν
είναι η Ρωσία, δεν είναι η Κίνα, δεν είναι κάποιος άλλος εξωτερικός
παράγοντας. Αυτό που με ανησυχεί είναι οι απειλές εκ των έσω, η
υπαναχώρηση της Ευρώπης από ορισμένες από τις πιο θεμελιώδεις αξίες της,
αξίες κοινές με τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής» υποστήριξε ο
αντιπρόεδρος των ΗΠΑ στη Διάσκεψη του Μονάχου.
Επέκρινε έναν πρώην Ευρωπαίο Επίτροπο – δεν τον κατονομάζει, αλλά εννοεί
τον Τιερί Μπρετόν – ο οποίος «πήγε πρόσφατα στην τηλεόραση και
ακουγόταν χαρούμενος που η ρουμανική κυβέρνηση ακύρωσε ολόκληρες
εκλογές» και πρόσθεσε ότι «το ίδιο πράγμα θα μπορούσε να συμβεί στη
«Τώρα αυτές οι αλαζονικές δηλώσεις είναι σοκαριστικές στα αυτιά των
Αμερικανών. Για χρόνια, μάς λένε ότι όλα όσα χρηματοδοτούμε και
υποστηρίζουμε είναι στο όνομα των κοινών μας δημοκρατικών αξιών, από την
πολιτική μας στην Ουκρανία έως την ψηφιακή λογοκρισία, θεωρούνται
υπεράσπιση της δημοκρατίας. Αλλά όταν βλέπουμε τα ευρωπαϊκά δικαστήρια
να ακυρώνουν εκλογές και ανώτερους αξιωματούχους να απειλούν να
ακυρώσουν άλλες, θα πρέπει να αναρωτηθούμε εάν είμαστε στο κατάλληλα
υψηλό επίπεδο» τόνισε.
Ο Τζέι Ντι Βανς κατηγόρησε τους Ευρωπαίους για λογοκρισία:
«Πρέπει να κάνουμε περισσότερα από το να μιλάμε για δημοκρατικές αξίες.
Πρέπει να τις εφαρμόζουμε. Όπως αποδεικνύεται, δεν μπορείτε να επιβάλετε
την καινοτομία ή τη δημιουργικότητα, όπως δεν μπορείτε να αναγκάσετε
τους ανθρώπους τι να σκεφτούν, τι να αισθανθούν ή τι να πιστέψουν, και
πιστεύουμε ότι αυτά τα πράγματα συνδέονται σίγουρα» σημείωσε.
«Και δυστυχώς, όταν κοιτάζω την Ευρώπη σήμερα, μερικές φορές δεν είναι
τόσο ξεκάθαρο τι συνέβη σε ορισμένους από τους νικητές του Ψυχρού
Πολέμου». «Βασικά πιστεύω ότι είμαστε στην ίδια ομάδα»